cloud technology

Open data

The “Cloudy” Question: Open Source or Open data?

The “Cloudy” Question: Open Source or Open data? 700 400 Spiros Skolarikis

There is this epic debate about the co-existence of cloud computing and open source software. Some as Richard Stallman, GNU…

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cloud migration | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

5 Reasons Why Businesses Migrate To The Cloud Slower

5 Reasons Why Businesses Migrate To The Cloud Slower 700 410 Comidor team

It’s an undeniable fact that the pace of cloud migration is slow and here’s why: 1.People are afraid of changes…

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Startup Ideas

Do Not Waste Any More Startup Ideas!

Do Not Waste Any More Startup Ideas! 700 400 Marketing Team

Having a beer with friends the other night the topic was around missed business opportunities. Ok, all of us had…

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