Knowledge Base

rpa cases | Comidor platform

RPA Application Cases

RPA Application Cases 789 443 Comidor team

Comidor platform offers you the ability to build your own Low-Code apps through App Builder, without writing any lines of…

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ai ml cases | Comidor Digital Automation Platform

AI/ML Application Cases

AI/ML Application Cases 789 443 Comidor team

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in BPM is ideal in complicated situations where huge data volumes are involved and humans need to…

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What is Robotic process Automation | Comidor Platform

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? 789 443 Comidor Team

More and more businesses are turning to new emerging technologies to automate their processes and eliminate tedious tasks. Robotic Process…

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Low-Code Examples

Low-Code Examples 790 527 Marketing Team

Low-Code Examples: 1. Low-Code Example 1. Internal Rules and Regulations Application 2. Low-Code Example 2. Meeting Room Booking Comidor Low-Code…

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Types of Collaboration tools | Comidor Low-Code Platform

Types of Collaboration Tools

Types of Collaboration Tools 789 526 Comidor Team

Collaboration tools are an essential part of any digital workplace. It helps people to work together, share information, and make…

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smart contracts | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

Smart Contracts: How they work

Smart Contracts: How they work 789 443 Comidor Team

What is a smart contract?  Smart contracts are contracts that are executed by themselves when certain rules are met. The…

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Machine Learning and BPM - KB| Comidor Low-Code Platform

How Machine Learning Transforms BPM

How Machine Learning Transforms BPM 789 443 Comidor Team

If you already use BPM software in your business you already see the benefits: proper risk management, transparency, employee satisfaction,…

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Project Management | Comidor low-Code BPM Platform

Project Management Definitions

Project Management Definitions 789 443 Marketing Team

1) What Is a Project? In project management, project is called an effort within a specific time to create a unique…

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Workflow Examples - KB | Comidor Low-Code Platform

Workflow Examples

Workflow Examples 789 443 Marketing Team

Get your feet wet with some simple Workflow examples. We used our Workflow BPMN 2.0 Modeller to visualize the real-world…

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What is a Business Process | Business Process Definition | Comidor

What is Business Process | Business Process Definition

What is Business Process | Business Process Definition 789 526 Marketing Team

What is Business Process | Business Process Definition: 1. What is Business Process? Business Process Definition 2. Why are Business…

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