Enterprise Collaboration

Enterprise Collaboration, Task Management, Internal Communication

Comidor devops

DevOps via Comidor

DevOps via Comidor 700 700 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

In this constantly changing tech-driven world, each company needs to anticipate and adapt to market changes with speed, receiving not…

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It all started with this: #DevOps

It all started with this: #DevOps 700 700 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Is “DevOps” just another fancy word to describe something that has always been around or there is a true philosophy hidden behind…

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Cloud document management system

Cloud Document Management System: Fact or Fiction?

Cloud Document Management System: Fact or Fiction? 700 560 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

People have the tendency to believe. They believe in an idea, a concept, a technology or a bedtime story. If…

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Collaboration Platforms

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future?

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future? 700 458 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Brazil was thrown off balance and humiliated on July 8th 2014 as five German goals flew into their net in…

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Cloud Horizontal Collaboration

Cloud Collaboration or “Making Vertical look Horizontal”

Cloud Collaboration or “Making Vertical look Horizontal” 700 495 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How many times you have encounter a customer saying: “I know your application is storing this information but wouldn’t be…

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Agile becomes fragile without ec

Agile becomes Fragile without Enterprise Collaboration

Agile becomes Fragile without Enterprise Collaboration 700 452 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The hype about XP, SCRUM and the rest of Agile s/w development practices (ok, methodologies) still fuels hundreds of conferences, webinars and…

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Business Meetings

Busy with business meetings?

Busy with business meetings? 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Nothing is certain but death and taxes. Add meetings and you have a killing triplet – that is if you’re…

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Enterprise Collaboration System

Why we need Enterprise Collaboration system

Why we need Enterprise Collaboration system 700 472 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Let’s admit it. Be honest and raise your hand in the following question: “Have you ever forwarded an e-mail received…

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Video streaming webrtc

WebRTC: The future of video streaming?

WebRTC: The future of video streaming? 700 350 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The term ‘video streaming’ introduced in the late 90s by Microsoft (with WMP) and Apple (with Quicktime) to create more flexible media…

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Enterprise Collaboration Platforms

What to seek in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms

What to seek in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms 700 350 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

With the advent of cloud Collaboration services, organizations are finally endowed with the much wanted agility, while employees can seamlessly…

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