Collaboration Platforms

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future?

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future? 700 458 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Brazil was thrown off balance and humiliated on July 8th 2014 as five German goals flew into their net in the first 29 minutes of a crushing 7-1 defeat. The greatest football nation in the world had just spent $11 billion on a national calamity, and the indignity of that evening will haunt Brazil for generations to come.

The defeat brought to light an institutional failure of Brazilian talent, tactics, and temperament. Brazil’s national team represented the cream of the crop as far as individual football players were concerned, but they simply did not work together as well as their opponents. The strategy Germany employed to defeat Brazilian players was simplistic and centered around an absence of ego: a German player would draw defenders to chase him towards the goal to prevent him from scoring, then pass the ball on to his unnoticed teammate, who faced no opposition on the field. This same tactic was effective again and again.

Brazil had fallen victim to enhanced collaboration.

Collaboration between employees, customers, and partners has become a fundamental requirement for every organization that wishes to thrive in today’s market, no matter the size or industry.

Effective collaboration tools deepen connectivity with customers and partners, increase awareness and productivity, and provide document and file access to all team members. In an effort to share information more efficiently and more effectively, many departments have taken matters into their own hands, and use external cloud-based tools to share data, rather than relying on their own IT platform. Although these employees have the company’s best interests at heart, the use of consumer-focused file-sharing without proper oversight can lead to loss of data and intellectual property, and increased business risk in general.

Businesses are thus demanding collaboration tools that are easy to use and can be incorporated into existing workflows and IT structures with the right level of security and audibility.

Enhanced collaboration, however, on its own might not be enough. Employees must have access to the right applications, the right tools, to get the job done effectively and efficiently, and engender exceptional wins like Germany’s victory over Brazil.

Comidor is a Cloud Enterprise Collaboration tool and Multi-Application Suite that has been called the “Swiss Army knife” of information systems. The program, leased as Software as a Service, contains modules for Collaboration (Organizational, Company Communication, Document Management,Business and Social Enterprise tools, etc.), Project Management (Gantt, Burndown, and Milestones charts, Requirements, Project Deliverables, Workload, Resource and Cost Management, Reporting and Analytics tools, ect.), CRM and finance (Sales force and Visual Tools, Income, Expense, Cashflow, and Budgeting, etc.), and Business Intelligence Analytics. Comidor has been fully developed in XML and Java, and therefore does not present the potential weaknesses of consumer-focused cloud-based platforms, while retaining all their inherent strengths. It is, essentially, the right tool at the right time.
