
Comidor Blog is a place where we share our thought about business management, business process management, enterprise collaboration and sales automation.

Project management class

First Day In the Project Management Class

First Day In the Project Management Class 700 387 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Spending time socializing with “managers” (the ones spending their time “teaching” others) you often hear artistic expressions like: “project management…

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Comidor team productivity software

How to boost your team’s productivity

How to boost your team’s productivity 700 465 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Being a leader is a tough work. It’s not only for the amount of responsibilities but it’s also for the…

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Productivity tips | Comidor Platform

7 Essential Productivity Tips to Getting the Most Out of Your Day

7 Essential Productivity Tips to Getting the Most Out of Your Day 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Productivity matters. Dozens of applications are developed to help in personal productivity measurement, whereas tones of ink (mainly the digital…

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It all started with this: #DevOps

It all started with this: #DevOps 700 700 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Is “DevOps” just another fancy word to describe something that has always been around or there is a true philosophy hidden behind…

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Sales personality

Top 10 sales’ personality traits

Top 10 sales’ personality traits 700 314 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

There are these kind of salesmen and saleswomen that can sell sunglasses to a blind and ice to Eskimos. On…

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Cloud document management system

Cloud Document Management System: Fact or Fiction?

Cloud Document Management System: Fact or Fiction? 700 560 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

People have the tendency to believe. They believe in an idea, a concept, a technology or a bedtime story. If…

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Collaboration Platforms

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future?

Collaboration Tools – the wave of the future? 700 458 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Brazil was thrown off balance and humiliated on July 8th 2014 as five German goals flew into their net in…

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Social media and project management tools

Social Media and Project management Tools

Social Media and Project management Tools 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Technology (mostly IT) have this magical capacity of transforming boring words into fairy-dusted buzzes that have the ability to change…

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Cloud project management software opportunities

Explore your Opportunities with a cloud Project Management software

Explore your Opportunities with a cloud Project Management software 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

When Columbus left Genoa in search for financial support for his brave trip to the East Indies, he knew this…

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Cloud Horizontal Collaboration

Cloud Collaboration or “Making Vertical look Horizontal”

Cloud Collaboration or “Making Vertical look Horizontal” 700 495 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How many times you have encounter a customer saying: “I know your application is storing this information but wouldn’t be…

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