business process management

The Importance Of Automation Platforms For Businesses In 2020 | Comidor Digital Automation Platform

The Importance Of Automation Platforms For Businesses In 2020

The Importance Of Automation Platforms For Businesses In 2020 789 526 Comidor Team

Imagine a world without computers: you have a small company with a few sales agents selling vacuums. A call comes…

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Machine Learning and BPM - KB| Comidor Low-Code Platform

How Machine Learning Transforms BPM

How Machine Learning Transforms BPM 789 443 Comidor Team

If you already use BPM software in your business you already see the benefits: proper risk management, transparency, employee satisfaction,…

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BPM Software from a Developer's Perspective | Comidor Low-Code BPM

BPM Software from a Developer’s Perspective

BPM Software from a Developer’s Perspective 770 475 Comidor Team

The term “business process management” or BPM is often encountered in conjunction with the concept of Six Sigma and other similar…

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Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management | Comidor BPM

Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management

Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management 789 532 Marketing Team

Chapter 1: Overview of the blockchain technology The term blockchain has been circulating in modern computing technologies for the past…

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Blockchain-Smart Contracts for Business Process Management | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

Implementing Blockchain for Business Process Management

Implementing Blockchain for Business Process Management 789 532 Marketing Team

As the business environment changes rapidly, a transition to new technological advances and transformative breakthroughs is essential for every organization…

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Low-code Platform Trends 2019 | Low-Code | Comidor BPM

Low-Code Development Platform Trends 2019

Low-Code Development Platform Trends 2019 800 533 Marketing Team

Entrepreneurs can now use low-code development tools to fuel operational efficiency and improve the experience of their customers. Futurists expect…

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How to Choose The Best BPM For Your Business - Comidor BPM Platform

How to Choose The Best BPM For Your Business

How to Choose The Best BPM For Your Business 1068 427 Marketing Team

Getting the right business process management (BPM) software can be a challenge for many reasons. First, BPM is a sophisticated…

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Stages of the Design Thinking Process | Comidor

The Design Thinking Process: Defining the Stages that Lead to a Solution

The Design Thinking Process: Defining the Stages that Lead to a Solution 789 526 Marketing Team

Design Thinking Process: Design Thinking: What Does It Even Mean? How Did Design Thinking Come About? Why Is Design Thinking…

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Business Process Creation - Comidor BPM

Get Ahead of The Competition Through Business Process Creation

Get Ahead of The Competition Through Business Process Creation 750 411 Marketing Team

Today’s global economy has been tough to all businesses in general, but it is especially tougher for medium and small-scale…

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Benefits of business automation | Comidor BPM

How Business Automation can Supercharge Growth

How Business Automation can Supercharge Growth 4000 2666 Marketing Team

As you likely already have seen, automation and the next wave of digital tools have already made their way into…

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