hrm reports

HR Automation Examples in Business Life | Comidor

8 HR Automation Examples in Business Life

8 HR Automation Examples in Business Life 789 526 Comidor Team

Recruitment and retention of the best employees is a priority for any company that is looking to expand its business…

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ABSENCE MANAGEMENT featured | Comidor Platform

Absence Management

Absence Management 789 592 Marketing Team

Comidor Absence Management is an essential tool for every business to ensure that Personnel absences are handled accurately and efficiently.…

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Skills Management v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Skills (Skills Management)

Skills (Skills Management) 789 592 Marketing Team

Skills management enables managers to identify Personnel depending on their skillset. “Search by Skills” and “Skills per Person” features are…

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TRAININGS featured | Comidor Platform

Trainings (HR Automation)

Trainings (HR Automation) 789 592 Marketing Team

Trainings enable the management and tracking of all Personnel Training. Users can add new Training events, create an Agenda, and…

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HRM Reports | Comidor Digital Automation Platform

HRM Reports (Approved Hours, Hours per Employee, Inflow/Outflow, Age Report, Entitlements)

HRM Reports (Approved Hours, Hours per Employee, Inflow/Outflow, Age Report, Entitlements) 789 592 Marketing Team

HRM Reports in Comidor support Line and People Manager work on managing Personnel. Reports that exist in Comidor and refer…

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KPIs featured | Comidor Platform


KPIs 789 592 Marketing Team

Comidor gives you the opportunity to check the productivity of your business. Set up your corporate, team, or personal objectives…

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