HR Automation Examples in Business Life | Comidor

8 HR Automation Examples in Business Life

8 HR Automation Examples in Business Life 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Recruitment and retention of the best employees is a priority for any company that is looking to expand its business and remain sustainable and profitable. With workforce shortages in several specialties and increasing demand for skilled workers, how do you ensure that your company is attractive to job applicants and that your HR processes are streamlined? A solution for effective recruiting is to use an HR automation solution and automate all your HR processes in one place. HR automation saves you significant amounts of money as you don’t need to employ someone to do repetitive, time-consuming tasks manually. In this article, we will discuss 8 HR automation examples that show how the advancements of intelligent automation have helped to tackle a range of HR-related tasks to free up time for employees.

1. Automated Recruitment

Recruitment is one of the best examples of HR automated processes used today. If your company is still using a manual procedure, this is one area where you can save time and attract staff. Automation works for both internal recruitment and external advertising. Crucially, the process is set up to include all steps, including legislative requests such as the right to work in a country of preference and equal opportunities, so you are legally compliant. 

The job application process is streamlined, making it easy for recruits to complete forms and give the information they need to make a decision. Most recruitment software handles advertising templates, shortlisting, and interviewing processing to keep you organized and the process streamlined. Your record keeping will be impeccable, and if you get a challenge over who got the job, you have a robust audit trail within the recruitment service you use. Modern businesses should have this automated as it saves time and is increasingly being standardized 

Automated Recruitment | ComidorHR Automation use case: Job Application Process 

Automating the job application process has never been easier before with the Comidor low-code automation platform. Job applicants trigger job application processes via public forms that you can add wherever you wish (portals, websites).  They add their personal information and upload CV files. A new process starts inside Comidor, following the workflow steps. Using RPA, the system creates a PDF document that includes all the candidate information. Then, an ML predictive model is used to gather user data, establish patterns based on historic data, and suggest whether you should proceed with an interview or not. Automated emails and notifications are sent to the stakeholders to complete tasks.

 2. Employee Onboarding

Another useful HR automation example is the new employee onboarding process. HR automation software is used to check certifications, permits, and other documents. It processes payroll and banking details and ensures vital checks such as testimonials have been completed before an employee starts. If you have done this manually, you will know how time-consuming it is to ensure each procedure and verification has been completed. HR automation keeps your business safe and organized and ensures you recruit the best workers. From an employee perspective, it shows you have robust processes in place. 

Another vital area of automation in onboarding is contract signing. Using an HR system with RPA and AI capabilities, documents get reviewed and agreed upon electronically without the need to mail or produce them manually. Instead, a signature is added electronically. With increasing numbers of people working remotely and outsourced work, a contracts management process is a great HR automation example. 

3. Employee Training

Have you ever tried keeping track of mandatory training and who has completed which course? If you have ever tried to schedule programs so you meet health and safety standard deadlines, you’ll know how time-consuming but vital the job is to your business. However, there is a simple solution. Automation saves time and money, improves safety, and ensures your staff is up to date with the latest updates. 

From a safety and insurance perspective, an automated training system, like an LMS enables you to maintain records of updated training that connects to policy. You will have records that are required for insurance and governance purposes to assure you an employee has undertaken safety training, for example. 

Employee Training | Comidor

When employee training is automated, the programs are kept up to date with the latest information, saving your business from manually spending time doing it. The platforms usually link to HR records to see who has their training to do. Most training sessions are performed online through automated platforms, so it can be done within the working day, saving valuable time. Automated training programs also link to appraisal documents and salary increments so you can regulate performance. 

4. Risk Assessment and Management

Automated HR processes require risk assessment and management. This resource is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it gives you data on employees and enables you to analyze recruitment and retention patterns. You will get insights into what attracts people to stay in your organization and what encourages workers to leave. The platform also monitors sickness and absence records so you can detect unusual behaviors. You can monitor performance and other metrics to get the best from your staff. Automation helps you keep track of things easily instead of searching through documents manually and is one of the most essential HR automation software packages to invest in as an employer. 

Risk assessment and management | Comidor

5. Employee Offboarding 

When an employee leaves, offboarding is one of the essential HR processes to undertake and is often underrated. There are many reasons for doing this accurately and promptly. Firstly, you can ensure the employee gets paid any salary or overtime that is due. Diligence here helps you part on good terms. However, offboarding enables you to conduct exit interviews to find out why that person left and any improvements that need to be made for future workers. 

Employee offboarding | Comidor

For example, if your staff leave your company because they are getting promotions, that’s a success story for your company, but what can you do to provide opportunities in your company? Finally, automated offboarding is aligned to your IT system. It shuts down email accounts, suspends pay until all equipment is returned, and blocks access to folders, ensuring your systems stay as secure as possible.

6. Automated Payroll Services

Automated payroll is another HR automation example that is essential for any modern business. It ensures your workers get paid on time and deducts any taxation and pension contributions. The system saves you hours of manual calculations and reports. Employees have access to a statement for their records. Payroll systems also connect to HR records, so if someone is due an incremental rise, the system can calculate it automatically. Conversely, if a poor performer has not met the standards required, the system can block it until the requirements have been met. With most people using electronic banking, an automated payroll system is an industry standard.

Automated Payroll Services | Comidor

7. Employee Benefits Management

Another excellent example of HR automated systems is employee benefits management. The HR automation solution can set up and calculate employee benefits such as pensions, health insurance, and holiday payments. It connects to payroll and ensures any relevant deductions are made and employer contributions are added. In addition, an employee benefits management system provides workers with a statement of benefits to know what they are entitled to and often has access to support and advice. 

Employee Benefits Management | Comidor

A system that defines automatically employees’ benefits and provides advice and guidance for employees is another example where you can connect a positive asset for staff to an HR system. Having access to confidential help, for example, is something that makes your workplace appeal to prospective employees.

8. Time Management

Automated time trackers help you monitor the amount of work your employee does during a working day. If you use a lot of freelancers or hourly employees, this type of management helps you get value for money. Time management tools connect salary payments to hours worked. Robust time management systems allow you to schedule annual leave and staffing schedules to plan more effectively. For example, you could look for peak times and employ more freelancers.

Time management | Comidor

HR Automation without limits: The Comidor approach

Automated business processes in Human Resources have transformed the job and enabled many procedures that took a significant manual effort to be done automatically. Automation is the future and enables accurate and robust HR management but, most importantly, allows more time to focus on developing the workplace culture and the employee. Finally, your workplace culture and retention rates will be positive by focusing on employee development. Comidor is a Low-code automation software with robust HR automation capabilities that helps organizations manage their human resources in a more efficient way. It is designed to be used by all levels of HR professionals and can be customized according to the needs of the organization.

All the HR automation examples presented above are proof of how an HR automation solution can make HR processes more efficient, and save time and money while improving the quality of your services and products. Request your demo today, to explore all Comidor HR Automation capabilities and tips to implement automation in HR.

Stop wasting time on routine, repetitive, manual tasks. Automate your HR processes today
