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Blockchain solving business problems | Comidor Digital Automation Platform
Real-Life Blockchain Solutions: In The Trenches of Real-World Data Problems 789 527 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Real-Life Blockchain Solutions: In The Trenches of Real-World Data Problems

Chapter 1: Introduction As mentioned consistently across the internet, Blockchain technology is, in a way, a decentralized network of nodes that stores blocks of data. It’s supposedly secure, reasonably fast and free of any central governing body. Thousands of independent computer systems uphold nodes that can be part of a blockchain network. Thus, this technology…

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Executive Buy-In | Comidor Low-Code BPM Digital Automation Platform
7 Steps to Get Executive Buy-in For a Low-Code BPM Solution 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

7 Steps to Get Executive Buy-in For a Low-Code BPM Solution

To get an executive buy-in, starts by never talking to an executive about Low-Code BPM. Instead, talk about what they care about : Results. Outcomes. Impact. Value. Middle ranks managers and organizations’ prosperity Organizations adapt slowly to change, unless managers in the middle ranks, like a project manager, business analyst or an operational manager, identify…

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AI and Low-Code BPM | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
The Controversial Combination of Al and Low-Code BPM 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The Controversial Combination of Al and Low-Code BPM

Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology which has started to reform industries and business operations. Many software applications require extensive human interaction to keep the applications up-to-date and accurate. Applications that are empowered with AI are transformed into self-updating and auto-correcting systems. AI and Low-Code BPM are two technologies that if they are combined, they…

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Decentralized AI | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralized AI 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralized AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – especially Machine Learning and Deep Learning – has become popular among businesses and many organizations have begun adopting this technology in their operations. Artificial Intelligence refers to the feature of having the ability to provide computational power for creating cognition in machines. This means that machines can perform human activities such…

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The New Era of Public Sector Automation | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
The New Era of Public Sector Automation 800 534 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The New Era of Public Sector Automation

In many countries, the public sector is the main sector that struggles from manual processes. A lot of paperwork is needed and this is the main cause of bureaucracy. These excessively complicated administrative procedures need to be eliminated. The adoption of new emerging technologies such as Blockchain and BPM platforms will lead to  automation and…

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BPM Software from a Developer's Perspective | Comidor Low-Code BPM
BPM Software from a Developer’s Perspective 770 475 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

BPM Software from a Developer’s Perspective

The term “business process management” or BPM is often encountered in conjunction with the concept of Six Sigma and other similar initiatives. It encapsulates key concepts of a business such as the identification of core business’s processes, assignment of process ownership and definition of measures (and perhaps benchmarks). Ideally, the processes are organized in a way that makes…

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Blockchain in Telecom Market | The Future of Telecommunication Industry | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
Blockchain in Telecom Market 789 487 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Blockchain in Telecom Market

New applications of how to implement blockchain technology in every sector -such as supply chain and telecommunications- emerge every day. The telecommunication industry offered a lot of services to their clients with the advent of 4G and LTE. The fifth generation (5G) telecommunications network is going to revolutionize the sector by introducing a new era…

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Blockchain in Supply Chain Management | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
Blockchain in Supply Chain Management 789 487 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Few people do realize that blockchain technology has generated a new approach of automated processes in a variety of industries. Certainly, the supply chain sector could not be an exception. But, what exactly is a Blockchain? Regarding Wikipedia, Blockchain technology is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each block…

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Business Process Management Trends | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
5 Trends of Business Process Management (BPM) 789 487 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

5 Trends of Business Process Management (BPM)

Business Process Management (BPM) Trends: 1. Low-Code App Development 2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 3. Smart Contracts 4. Artificial Intelligence 5. Extended Collaboration Business Process Management (BPM) has become a must in large corporations with complex series of actions and different assignees and assigners. There are many repetitive processes in various organizations that happen during…

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Legacy Systems Modernization Approaches | Comidor
6 Legacy Systems Modernization Approaches 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

6 Legacy Systems Modernization Approaches

Legacy systems are the backbone of most of the world’s businesses. These systems were built decades ago and have evolved over time, but they are now facing new challenges, as shown in the example below. A logistics company that uses an ERP application mainframe across the business with complementary task management cloud-based software and a…

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Security in Business Process Management | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
A Roadmap to Ensuring Security in the World of Business Process Management 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

A Roadmap to Ensuring Security in the World of Business Process Management

Ensuring information security is of utmost importance on the world of business process management. Existing solutions for managing the flows of an organization rarely consider security and, if they actually do, it is always dependant on third-party organizations and tools. Because of this dependability, the process of securing the data flowing in an organization is…

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Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management | Comidor BPM
Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management 789 532 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Blockchain as a medium for Business Process Management

Chapter 1: Overview of the blockchain technology The term blockchain has been circulating in modern computing technologies for the past few years and has been implemented by a wide range of industries – from cryptocurrencies to distributed data storage. The technology behind blockchain is simple, at least on its fundamental core. This technology is based…

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