
Comidor Blog is a place where we share our thought about business management, business process management, enterprise collaboration and sales automation.

Social media integration with pm

Exploit Social Media integration of a PM Software

Exploit Social Media integration of a PM Software 700 400 Marketing Team

So, finally your VC approved (actually re-wrote) your business plan. You took some courage when you and your co-founding buddies…

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Sales stats

Fast generation of sales stats

Fast generation of sales stats 700 467 Marketing Team

They say that wisdom comes with the age, or something like that. And they are right. Couple of years ago…

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Open Source

How and when to invest in Open Source

How and when to invest in Open Source 700 467 Marketing Team

Open source is everywhere. The “bazaar” proved to be too hard to die and too good to be ignored. It…

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Online collaboration software for startups

Online Collaboration Software for Startups

Online Collaboration Software for Startups 700 442 Marketing Team

Startups are not something new. Making one is not even considered an achievement (at least in the developed/developing countries). What…

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Cloud computing

Open Source and Cloud Computing

Open Source and Cloud Computing 700 234 Spiros Skolarikis

Many questions have arisen regarding the Cloud Computing and Open Source and if can be compatible with each other. Some…

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Enterprise Agility

Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption

Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption 700 448 Marketing Team

At the disruption era, Large Enterprises are highly interested to establish a digitally collaborative culture, towards information and process monitoring…

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Cloud Apps

Web Vs Cloud Apps

Web Vs Cloud Apps 700 382 Marketing Team

One might think that selling cloud apps is straightforward.  Yes, you have all the Tech media advocating for Cloud IaaS,…

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cloud scalability | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud!

Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud! 700 700 Marketing Team

Basically I have a pro environmental behavior but I admit that I’m not eco-friendly. I cannot consider myself as such…

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Cloud Testing | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on

5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on 700 400 Marketing Team

I’ve always wondering what’s all this fuss about the cloud testing and how a SaaS should be tested; what is…

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