We all know that companies need to anticipate numerous of challenges, in daily basis. The new normal in business is a here and it is highly demanding in flexibility, mobility, multitasking and instant connectivity between people, machines and different working environments. Day by day, enterprises seek for more intelligence enterprise collaboration, because our ecosystem is becoming smarter. We are living the Enterprise Collaboration revolution, and this is great, standing at the toes of our feet.
After one and a half-decade of personal involvement in business operations worldwide, within varies of sectors (IT, Finance, Manufacturing), I spot the gap clearly. The vast majority of Enterprises stress to their limits seeking operational perfection in the absence of a common frame, a common platform that can join together different jobs. Surely, there is a tremendous technology offering, however, bits and pieces are often incoherent at the office.
Let’s see how things work in most of the cases. There are certainly some great ideas out there, regardless of the size of the organization that makes the offering. There are great products, modern companies and brilliant people who design exceptional solutions. However, many of them underperform and that has nothing to do with quality, pricing, marketing, positioning, not even the competition. It is a matter of controlling the information within the company. Those who advance are those who can track everything, anytime, from anywhere, for everybody that carries a responsibility within the company. Thus, they can progress.
Modern entrepreneurs today have unlimited power on their hands, and this is due to the advance of the IT and the Cloud. There is no software or hardware that can replace a CEO, but controlling the business has a lot to do with a smart platform that you can control and run- from one screen– all the different processes, tasks, projects, documents, clients, accounting, e-mails, etc. Unless the different jobs are unified and shown in one frame, then some information will always be likely to miss them. Unless you can appoint a job to your team directly by receiving an email, without leaving the e-mail screen, then some tasks will be missed. Unless you cannot track the current stage of a running order, without contacting someone, then performance is a question mark, and will always be.
To make the long story short, it is all matter of how you can set the system to be open and accessible. The system has to be smart enough to allow the company to track everything. Then, by having such a smart system implemented, you take advantage of its ingenuity, creating true business intelligence. This smart system now serves the company, being open to everyone and able to pattern jobs, making routes and driving you through automation. Finally, you have set the system working for you as such you keep focus on what makes your business special, and you also save time for family, sailing, and golf.