Smart project management platform

Smart Platforms save Project Manager’s Coronary

Smart Platforms save Project Manager’s Coronary 700 343 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

According to a team of researchers, there is evidence of 683 patients showed a prominent peak of 21% in heart attacks, strokes and blood clots, between Monday 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. During these hours the stress hormone, cortisol, which reflects the nervous system, increases blood pressure dramatically. Inevitable, Monday morning wakening is loaded with office reminders fusion, especially for those carrying increased responsibility, like Managers, Division Heads and CEOs.

Scientific evidence guide us to seek for distress factors, unless we want to mess up with the cruel statistics. Surely, physical activity matters, as well as the rest of the tips doctors advise for precaution. It would be extremely surprising though to expect advises from your Cardio or G.P., about how to make things work better at the office. Some colleagues attend Stress avoidance guru’s courses, looking for deep breath solution techniques and alternative mindsets based on creating strong foundation to emotionally handle non collaborative environments. It’s the system, stupid, which you need to control, not inhale-exhale.

Technology today allows monitoring the heart’s performance of a manager, well equipped with a strong Project Management platform that communicates with Tasks, Processes, internal/external e-mails, Projects Monitoring, Gantt Charts, Kanban boards, calendar, files, clients, etc.

At the diagram below there is a set of cardio metrics during a 37 y.o. manager’s  typical day at work, powered with Comidor for Project Management and geared with a heart belt which tracks data on a mobile device, as well as his projects progress. As a chartered engineer, I believe that numbers don’t lie, and I am more than sensitive during analysis, due to my family history record.


It can be concluded that personal characteristics are critical, though keeping organized matters most during the rush hour, as well as keeping your heart’s average bpm as low as 50% of the maximum loading conditions

Conclusively, no one wants to deal with the cardio statistics, neither with the milestones and deliverables of a project. Today, life has been complicated, following the speed of business advancements.  Do not expect significant improvement on your Monday morning heart rate metrics, unless you find yourself within a truly smart Project Management software toolset which is bind with the Enterprise Collaboration features (tasks, processes, calendar, mails), your CRM and all the good stuff which are here and there at the office.

Today, there are powerful platforms offered on Cloud, that you make all things working connected together, as a proof that you are part of a living organization.

