It is really essential for salesmen and marketers to find ways to generate Leads, convert these Leads into Customers and get also Executive Buy-ins.
Lead Generation
Undoubtedly social media are great tools to create leads. However, as in case of any tool it is important to know how to use it to achieve your intended purpose.
Martin Sparsø, Co-founder of BARVIVO, claims that “the best way to generate leads is by finding your audience social media place. For an example if you’re selling kitchen utensils, you’ll have to focus on Pinterest ads. Linkedin if it’s business related, etc, etc“.
Moreover, Arjun Arora, Founder of, suggests us that “a combination of a high value content email newsletter combined with a variety of paid channels including FB, Twitter and LinkedIn” is a great practicefor successful lead generation.
Lead Conversion
Regarding lead conversion, Marc Prosser of Fit Small Business, points out the value of follow-up as “one of the most crucial aspects of lead conversion. With CRM software, you can schedule tasks for the future without cluttering up your personal calendar or having to make an overcrowded spreadsheet.”
In a more detailed insight, Vasili Puntus, Marketing manager at Xpansa Group describes “We made the effort to know our customers, had a great knowledge of our products, kept connection with the customer until he signed, tried to answer in the next 5 minutes and use our CRM to control and ping all leads timely“. He also underlines that “quality and the right price of the products were relevant elements“.
Customer Satisfaction
Arjun presents their followed practice which enabled them to maintain strong and long-term relations with their customers declaring “we ensure that we continue to communicate frequently with our clients, we are hyper responsive and ensure that we understand the customers needs outside of our product as well so that if we can be helpful in other ways we do (for example: recruiting, bring them customers, or helping them with marketing)“.
Martin focuses on a widely acknowledged pattern: “existing customers are often willing to buy more“.In addition, herecommendsas “the best way to create long-term relations with existing customers to invitecustomers to a special VIP email list, make them feel special, share great content to them once in a while“.
Vasili believes that the customer must feel not only special, but also safe, as being part of a family. “We are available for our client 24/7, establish relations, assistance in marketing promotion, service excellence. We organize meetings with our key customers at least three times per year…“
For a conclusion, it is great to quote Mike Schultz, President of RAIN Group, who focuses on strategy commitment. “We have several full-time staff members at our small company dedicated to thought leadership creation and marketing, and it’s taken years for the snowball to gather snow. But if you have the willingness to stick with it, it’s a great strategy“!