Comidor Blog

Sales factors
10 Factors that changed Sales 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

10 Factors that changed Sales

1. Globalization of economy It has been a long time ago we all started to talk about it and yet it never stops. Overseas is always cheaper. Competition is growing and everyone is so smart now to offer same and even better services and products.  Your company has faced it and your progress is slow,…

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Sales success
How to be creative in the daily routine of sales. 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How to be creative in the daily routine of sales.

One of the challenges that sales people are constantly faced with is finding a steady stream of potential contacts to walk with. All sales reps are living under big pressure thinking about new ways to find leads, getting email addresses so that they can perform efficient lead management and prepare email campaigns. This is very…

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The skyscraper’s conformism 700 449 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The skyscraper’s conformism

Selling Cloud software around the world is definitely a challenge. But, after quite a few negotiations, I realized with surprise that an unexpected factor was blocking the hands shaking. A factor that I call: “the skyscraper’s conformism”. Selling Cloud software around the world is a challenge for many reasons, , no matter if it is…

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Customer relationship philosophy
Customer Relationship philosophy 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Customer Relationship philosophy

Probably the most controversial letters in business terminology are c, r and m. I bet all money, ok the ones in my pocket, that I will get hundred different answers, from hundred CEOs from the question: what is a CRM?Or even worse, what is a CRM Project Management? And I bet, all my money this…

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Social media integration with pm
Exploit Social Media integration of a PM Software 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Exploit Social Media integration of a PM Software

So, finally your VC approved (actually re-wrote) your business plan. You took some courage when you and your co-founding buddies logged your first income stream in your collaboration CRM tasks management super duper SaaS platform(s) and now you’ re ready to spread your wings to the unknown. You think that finally you have the luxury…

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Sales stats
Fast generation of sales stats 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Fast generation of sales stats

They say that wisdom comes with the age, or something like that. And they are right. Couple of years ago I found myself presenting in a conference packed with academics, their esquire wannabes and some “incognito” businessmen. My presentation had to do with business eco-systems and how these can create more sale revenues and all…

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Business Features Infographic
All features that your business needs! – Infographic 700 495 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

All features that your business needs! – Infographic

Open Source
How and when to invest in Open Source 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How and when to invest in Open Source

Open source is everywhere. The “bazaar” proved to be too hard to die and too good to be ignored. It is even used by or even injected inside some of the “cathedrals’” most valuable codes. But, still there is this mind barrier that divides geeks from IT managers. Still, after almost twenty years from its…

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Online collaboration software for startups
Online Collaboration Software for Startups 700 442 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Online Collaboration Software for Startups

Startups are not something new. Making one is not even considered an achievement (at least in the developed/developing countries). What makes startups exciting is the human aspect, the youth aspect. Startups, and for a reason, are synonymous to youth entrepreneurship as most of the owners fall within the “business tender age” characterized by one dose…

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Cloud computing
Open Source and Cloud Computing 700 234 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Open Source and Cloud Computing

Many questions have arisen regarding the Cloud Computing and Open Source and if can be compatible with each other. Some as Richard Stallman, GNU Founder warn that “Cloud computing is a trap, because Web-based programs will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more over time” Others have said…

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Enterprise Agility
Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption 700 448 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption

At the disruption era, Large Enterprises are highly interested to establish a digitally collaborative culture, towards information and process monitoring that brings harmony. Controlling the information flow is a key prerequisite to drive growth within -often labyrinthine- large multinational organizations. It can be the difference maker for business success during the change that occurs when new digital…

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Cloud Apps
Web Vs Cloud Apps 700 382 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Web Vs Cloud Apps

One might think that selling cloud apps is straightforward.  Yes, you have all the Tech media advocating for Cloud IaaS, Paas and SaaS and all the fancy social media apps paving the way for an easy deal. But trying to sell a cloud CRM or even a free project management app to old school CEOs…

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