Comidor Blog

cloud scalability | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud! 700 700 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud!

Basically I have a pro environmental behavior but I admit that I’m not eco-friendly. I cannot consider myself as such while spending at least half of my day working-surfing-chatting-surfing-working through my office PC, my two laptops, my smart phone and my tablet. You have to admit that none of us is. Certainly YOU’re not ‘cause…

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Cloud Testing | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on

I’ve always wondering what’s all this fuss about the cloud testing and how a SaaS should be tested; what is really the difference between a cloud-based web application and one on-demand? Maybe it’s one more topic to talk about and have dozens of web “ink” spent on how to do cloud testing and what exactly…

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Thousand tiny apps
The solution of “the thousand tiny apps” problem 700 464 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The solution of “the thousand tiny apps” problem

In a world where your job becomes more and more dependent on PCs, internet and SaaS  applications, I find it quite hard to understand how still people can cope with the current technological complexity. Everyone who works from his office- and by working I do not mean facebook- can easily understand what I am talking about.…

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Programming is not a piece of c++e 700 464 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Programming is not a piece of c++e

Programming is not a piece of cake, but if you think that the best programmer is the one who can type by heart all the libraries and frameworks, line by line, then you are quite wrong! Most programming skills are about translation, rather than memorization skills. The role of the programmer is to successfully translate…

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From Amstrad to Wearable Devices: my IT Reminiscence 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

From Amstrad to Wearable Devices: my IT Reminiscence

Being born in the early 80’s I had the chance to live in a world in the breakpoint of technological changes. From playing in the playground with others, within a decade we were transformed into tech freaks that cannot live without internet, PCs and mobile phones. Sometimes, I am trying to remember what happened in…

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Startup Business Plan | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
How confident do you feel in your startup flight? 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How confident do you feel in your startup flight?

Make no mistake; to manage a vivid startup, it’s like flying a jet. The excitement and the anticipation of the unknown makes you sick the first time, and probably make you sick again through your flying courses. The only thing that helps in taking the edge off is to fly more! You, like a pilot,…

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Open data
The “Cloudy” Question: Open Source or Open data? 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The “Cloudy” Question: Open Source or Open data?

There is this epic debate about the co-existence of cloud computing and open source software. Some as Richard Stallman, GNU Founder warn that “Cloud computing is a trap because Web-based programs will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more overtime”. Others have said – including Tim O’Reilly, founder…

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How tomake a startup | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
10 Do’s and Don’ts For Startups 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

10 Do’s and Don’ts For Startups

Establishing & running a startup company is one of the biggest challenges nowadays. You must be ready and confident to face them. Which are the Do’s and Don’ts for startups? 1. Don’t waste time, resources and energy in grand and impressive strategies and long term business – marketing plans. Prefer smart resource utilization and store this…

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Software for startups | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
10 Software For Startups That Will Help You Work Effectively 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

10 Software For Startups That Will Help You Work Effectively

In order to build a successful startup you need to make steps slowly but steadily, follow some do’s and don’ts and also use the right software. What are some great online tools for startups? 1.       Dropbox Dropbox has become a synonym of Cloud storage. If you want your documents to follow you wherever you are…

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cloud migration | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
5 Reasons Why Businesses Migrate To The Cloud Slower 700 410 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

5 Reasons Why Businesses Migrate To The Cloud Slower

It’s an undeniable fact that the pace of cloud migration is slow and here’s why: 1.People are afraid of changes Why should a company even think about changing its operations if they are successful? This dilemma is more apparent especially in large enterprises with many specialized business processes with next to zero down times. No…

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Startup Ideas
Do Not Waste Any More Startup Ideas! 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Do Not Waste Any More Startup Ideas!

Having a beer with friends the other night the topic was around missed business opportunities. Ok, all of us had more than a couple of those, especially back then, when we’re having loads of ideas aiming to change the world (at least). The one topic led to another and after some rounds (maybe more), we…

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Growth with Business Processes Management
Planning for Growth with Business Processes Management 1200 686 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Planning for Growth with Business Processes Management

At the ERA of digital disruption, Organizations need to operate with a structured approach to identify points for improvement, embrace change and seamlessly monitor activities. The structured and often chained set of actions or activities that a man or a machine should execute towards accomplishing a particular output, refer to what is literally called a…

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