Comidor Blog

Business Features Infographic
All features that your business needs! – Infographic 700 495 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

All features that your business needs! – Infographic

Open Source
How and when to invest in Open Source 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How and when to invest in Open Source

Open source is everywhere. The “bazaar” proved to be too hard to die and too good to be ignored. It is even used by or even injected inside some of the “cathedrals’” most valuable codes. But, still there is this mind barrier that divides geeks from IT managers. Still, after almost twenty years from its…

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Online collaboration software for startups
Online Collaboration Software for Startups 700 442 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Online Collaboration Software for Startups

Startups are not something new. Making one is not even considered an achievement (at least in the developed/developing countries). What makes startups exciting is the human aspect, the youth aspect. Startups, and for a reason, are synonymous to youth entrepreneurship as most of the owners fall within the “business tender age” characterized by one dose…

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Cloud computing
Open Source and Cloud Computing 700 234 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Open Source and Cloud Computing

Many questions have arisen regarding the Cloud Computing and Open Source and if can be compatible with each other. Some as Richard Stallman, GNU Founder warn that “Cloud computing is a trap, because Web-based programs will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more over time” Others have said…

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Enterprise Agility
Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption 700 448 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Enterprise Agility & Digital Disruption

At the disruption era, Large Enterprises are highly interested to establish a digitally collaborative culture, towards information and process monitoring that brings harmony. Controlling the information flow is a key prerequisite to drive growth within -often labyrinthine- large multinational organizations. It can be the difference maker for business success during the change that occurs when new digital…

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Cloud Apps
Web Vs Cloud Apps 700 382 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Web Vs Cloud Apps

One might think that selling cloud apps is straightforward.  Yes, you have all the Tech media advocating for Cloud IaaS, Paas and SaaS and all the fancy social media apps paving the way for an easy deal. But trying to sell a cloud CRM or even a free project management app to old school CEOs…

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cloud scalability | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud! 700 700 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Scalability – The reason for a greener cloud!

Basically I have a pro environmental behavior but I admit that I’m not eco-friendly. I cannot consider myself as such while spending at least half of my day working-surfing-chatting-surfing-working through my office PC, my two laptops, my smart phone and my tablet. You have to admit that none of us is. Certainly YOU’re not ‘cause…

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Cloud Testing | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

5+1 things that cloudy testers should focus on

I’ve always wondering what’s all this fuss about the cloud testing and how a SaaS should be tested; what is really the difference between a cloud-based web application and one on-demand? Maybe it’s one more topic to talk about and have dozens of web “ink” spent on how to do cloud testing and what exactly…

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Thousand tiny apps
The solution of “the thousand tiny apps” problem 700 464 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

The solution of “the thousand tiny apps” problem

In a world where your job becomes more and more dependent on PCs, internet and SaaS  applications, I find it quite hard to understand how still people can cope with the current technological complexity. Everyone who works from his office- and by working I do not mean facebook- can easily understand what I am talking about.…

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Programming is not a piece of c++e 700 464 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Programming is not a piece of c++e

Programming is not a piece of cake, but if you think that the best programmer is the one who can type by heart all the libraries and frameworks, line by line, then you are quite wrong! Most programming skills are about translation, rather than memorization skills. The role of the programmer is to successfully translate…

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From Amstrad to Wearable Devices: my IT Reminiscence 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

From Amstrad to Wearable Devices: my IT Reminiscence

Being born in the early 80’s I had the chance to live in a world in the breakpoint of technological changes. From playing in the playground with others, within a decade we were transformed into tech freaks that cannot live without internet, PCs and mobile phones. Sometimes, I am trying to remember what happened in…

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Startup Business Plan | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform
How confident do you feel in your startup flight? 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How confident do you feel in your startup flight?

Make no mistake; to manage a vivid startup, it’s like flying a jet. The excitement and the anticipation of the unknown makes you sick the first time, and probably make you sick again through your flying courses. The only thing that helps in taking the edge off is to fly more! You, like a pilot,…

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