Comidor Blog

Business Meetings
Busy with business meetings? 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Busy with business meetings?

Nothing is certain but death and taxes. Add meetings and you have a killing triplet – that is if you’re a manager. Yep, meetings are not an option. Meetings are vital and since the dawn of time essential for laying the foundations for good planning, work distribution and seamless CRM project management execution. In the past, managers…

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Comidro team collaboration
Tips on Team Collaboration 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Tips on Team Collaboration

Your work as a team leader can easily be compared to this of a coach. It is all about handling your team members’, mentality, collaboration strengths, and weaknesses to extract the most out of them. You must always try to take 110% of their capacity in a collaborative manner that allows team spirit and cooperation…

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Project Management in the cloud
Project Management in the cloud 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Project Management in the cloud

Recently I had a meeting with a client interested in CRM Project Management in the cloud. Normally this is my favorite kind of meetings. Meet new and excited people already informed of the benefits of cloud (low TCO, no installations, no hardware required, minimal up and running time, etc) and talk about CRM project management. So I…

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Enterprise Collaboration System
Why we need Enterprise Collaboration system 700 472 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Why we need Enterprise Collaboration system

Let’s admit it. Be honest and raise your hand in the following question: “Have you ever forwarded an e-mail received in your business account to your personal account?” And don’t try to give me the kind of cheap excuses like: “I want to be able to check it later from home…” simply because you never…

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Video streaming webrtc
WebRTC: The future of video streaming? 700 350 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

WebRTC: The future of video streaming?

The term ‘video streaming’ introduced in the late 90s by Microsoft (with WMP) and Apple (with Quicktime) to create more flexible media transport. Due to the relatively slow internet connections of the time, the idea of displaying parts of a video while it was still downloading and not after its completion, seemed extremely attractive. However, these early…

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Comidor Project Management tool
How to effectively select your Project Management Tool 700 350 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

How to effectively select your Project Management Tool

The truth is out there somewhere in the vast SaaS market or not? Well it’s complicated. Before start googling for the ideal PM tool – the one silver bullet – you should take a deep breath sit back and relax. As with all tools, one must first have a clear idea of the actual need and of the actual…

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Enterprise Collaboration Platforms
What to seek in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms 700 350 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

What to seek in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms

With the advent of cloud Collaboration services, organizations are finally endowed with the much wanted agility, while employees can seamlessly exchange information and track knowledge among themselves but also with their customers and partners. As numerous market predictions[1][2][3] shoot true, we can expect global collaboration services market to continue its upward trend with a compound annual…

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Automated Revolution
Automated Revolution in Sales 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Automated Revolution in Sales

When it comes to sales it’s all about timing and management. Tracking every single lead and providing spot on follow ups is undoubtedly the best way to build strong and long-term customer relations (a good CRM Project Management tools is always helpful with that!). But how is it possible to follow up leads located in…

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What is Business in Media Res (BIMR)? 700 467 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

What is Business in Media Res (BIMR)?

Unless your target markets are Sahara or the South Pole, your business activities require interaction with various other parties. Vendors, customers, partners, public authorities, competitors, financial institutions and economic centers, lobbies and political elites, opinion makers and decision takers, unpredicted 3-party influences, social groups and, of course, family and friends… It seems that doing business…

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Know your customers
5 Important Questions to ask your client 700 393 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

5 Important Questions to ask your client

Sales people do a wonderful job answering clients’ questions, even if the questions take you in the wrong direction, and they are forced to respond as if they are a commodity. Even if you created the value of your products, some questions can trick you to reduce the importance you create. We are all humans…

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Sales Process
Everything in life is a circle! The sales process too! 700 411 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Everything in life is a circle! The sales process too!

Best practice of management is always silent about different methodology. Every salesman has his own tiny secrets and tips to produce maximum sales, loyalty, productivity and value. Whenever you try to create a new breakthrough method, relax and remember about correct implementation of operating procedures. No matter how much staff you have or even what…

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Sales factors
10 Factors that changed Sales 700 400 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

10 Factors that changed Sales

1. Globalization of economy It has been a long time ago we all started to talk about it and yet it never stops. Overseas is always cheaper. Competition is growing and everyone is so smart now to offer same and even better services and products.  Your company has faced it and your progress is slow,…

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