Cloud technology and Cybersecurity | Comidor Platform

Protect Your Work From Cyber-Attacks With Cloud Technology

Protect Your Work From Cyber-Attacks With Cloud Technology 789 526 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Cybersecurity remains an ongoing concern for many people. The reality is cybercriminals have no scruples whatsoever. As long as there is an area of vulnerability, anyone can attack. These individuals saw plenty of opportunities during the Covid pandemic. There was a staggering 600% increase in cybercrimes after the outbreak. 92% of malware attacks occur through emails. Additionally, the cost of ransomware to businesses exceeds $75 billion every single year. 

Cybersecurity is no longer something to take for granted. In this article, we will explore how cloud technology can improve cybersecurity.

Understanding Cybersecurity 

Cybersecurity refers to any step you take to protect your work from cyber-attacks. That means securing digital infrastructure, systems, and networks. Some steps you can take to remain safe online include: 

  • Installing antivirus, antimalware, and anti-ransomware on your internet-connected devices 
  • Enabling firewalls 
  • Strong passwords and multifactor authentication 
  • Assigning access controls like zero trust or least privilege policies for team members 
  • Routing internet traffic through a residential proxy. Residential proxies use IP addresses from the ISP and not a data center. You get anonymity so no one, including hackers, can track your online activities. The proxies will also block any traffic containing malicious content. 

And now, there is the option of cloud technology to protect against cyber-attacks. Leading businesses, all around the world, are increasingly recognizing the benefits of cloud computing technology. The vast majority of them have already invested in a Cloud Platform, moving their operations to the Cloud. Let’s see below how cloud technology can enhance cybersecurity. 

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Cloud Technology and Cybersecurity 

1. Cost Implications of Cybersecurity 

Cloud technology has become an attractive option for many businesses. The main driver could be the cost implications. Putting up physical IT infrastructure is a resource-intensive process. The company needs money, time, and skilled labor.  Research shows that 50% of very large companies are spending $1 million or more on security every year. This takes a big chunk from the bottom line. 

Now, imagine having all those functionalities without spending tons of cash. All you need to do is sign up to cloud service providers. They are in charge of all the back-end processes. For the company, the savings are quite significant. You can have a lean IT department, while still operating as usual. 

2. The Role of the Cloud Service Providers in the Cybersecurity 

Take a look at the main cloud service providers. Huge names like Microsoft, and Google come up. These organizations invest in top security measures. That is an assurance to you as the client that you are in safe hands.  Let’s take the example of the cloud security center at Google. It is a scanner that looks for areas of vulnerabilities. On the other hand, Microsoft has also invested in security infrastructure and applications.  

The cloud service providers also help companies adhere to regulatory compliance issues. These include safe data management and storage. The sad reality is that there is no 100% guarantee of safety in the digital space. But, choosing the right cloud technology service provider is a good first step. 

3. Cloud Technology Addresses Cybersecurity Inadequacies in Organizations 

Only 14% of small businesses are confident about their abilities to mitigate cyber-attacks. Companies that have no idea how to protect themselves are as many as 47%. Yet, 43% of the attacks target such businesses. Without a doubt, there are serious security inadequacies. These need urgent addressing by those concerned. 

Now, here is where it gets tricky. Many businesses migrated their operations to cloud platforms. The benefits are many including data storage, remote sharing, and scalability. A company also enjoys flexibility with cloud technology. You only pay for the capacity you need and can request for more or less depending on usage. It is an excellent way to cut down on operational costs. 

But, with the good comes some challenges. The hackers now have a larger playing field. There is so much data online which can be hard to analyze and manage. It exposes tons of loopholes cybercriminals can use.  

So, the first step in staying safe is to sign up with a reputable service provider, as highlighted above. Proper security measures provide security. It is hard to achieve the same levels with on-premise IT infrastructure. 

The second step is to equip the IT team with enough knowledge to track and manage cloud workloads. The same training is also critical for staff members who use cloud services.  

Finally, the company must have strong cybersecurity protocols in place. Protocols that guide safe usage of cloud services. 

4. Data Safety on Cloud 

Onsite storage of data comes with so many challenges. There is the risk of theft, hacking, or destruction. Secure cloud storage facilities increase data security. And, the backups ensure easy retrieval in case of a breach. 

Cloud service providers are stringent about security measures. For example, they need multi-factor authentication for users. The hackers may manage to bypass the password. But, they still have to deal with the second or third layer of protection. 

And that’s not all, cloud services include constant checks for areas of vulnerabilities. The service providers have teams that offer constant support to clients. 

Data encryption, selective user access, and other customizations further enhance security. 

In keeping up with cybercriminal tactics, cloud service providers are embracing artificial intelligence. Threat identification is now at a higher level.  

What’s more, predictive analytics can help preempt any threats. Predictive analytics and AI-enabled bots monitor network activity and analyze data in real-time, using self-learning analytics and detection techniques. This way, companies enjoy better preparedness and can respond faster to attacks. 

Cloud technology for cybersecurity | Comidor Platform

Improve Cybersecurity With Comidor Cloud BPM

Cloud technology has a lot to offer. First of all, it is cost-effective because it does not need the setting up of IT infrastructure. Secondly, your company saves by not needing to hire many IT specialists. But,  the biggest benefit is better cybersecurity. The reality is that many companies still struggle with ensuring proper cybersecurity. Their data, systems, and networks have tons of loopholes. For small businesses, the cost is a major impediment. For others, it is a lack of knowledge on what to do. It ends up exposing the organization to cybercrime. 

Cloud service providers invest a lot in cybersecurity. Sign up with Comidor to design and implement business processes and applications in one easy-to-use place, share them on the cloud, while at the same time, getting rid of all the security concerns that can hurt your business.  

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