Income_Expenses v6.2 / comidorplatform

Income, Expenses, Budgeting (with Financial Reports)

Income, Expenses, Budgeting (with Financial Reports) 789 592 Marketing Team

Comidor offers eight units dedicated to finance management: Income, Expenses, Reports and Budgeting accordingly offering the appropriate tools to organize all business accounting data and extract useful reports and charts. All Income, Expenses and Budgeting entries can be linked with Projects, Schedules, Accounts, and more in order for a full overview of each case to be easily extracted. In particular:

  • Record all the income of your company in the Income unit.
  • Get a graphic chart for the Income on a yearly and monthly basis.
  • Create reports per category and per month for the current year.
  • Two more diagrams are available, the Balance and Cashflow charts. The first compares the Income and Expenses on a yearly and monthly basis, whereas the second compares the Cash In and Cash Out on a yearly and monthly basis.
  • Two reports are available for the Accounting Automation unit, the Budgeting Reports and the Cashflow Reports. The Budgeting report creates Budget Expenses and Income per month reports, whereas the latter creates an overview of the Cash flow per month data.


Create an Income

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income.
  2. Click on the ‘+’ button at the top of the screen to open the Create Form.Create New Income v.6.2|comidor
  3. Fill in the Basic Information of the record.
    • Set a title for the income.
    • Fill in the date of it or click on it to select the date. By default, the current date is suggested.
    • Search for an Accounting code and select or add a new one. See how to add Categories in Data Management.
    • You can also set an Account Region, a Product category, and the Salesperson to link with this Income.
  4. Fill in the financial information.
    • Income is the net value of the amount.
    • Debit is the net value plus the VAT of the amount.
    • Cash in is the received amount.
  5. Each Income may have its core relations. So, you can Link this income with an Account, a related Process, and a Contract. Type some related letters and click on them to find an entity you want from this point.
  6. Click on either Save to save the income or Save and New to save the income and add a new one, or click on Cancel to close the create form and go back to the table of incomes.

View an Income

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income.
  2. Click on an income to view its details.
  3. View the Summary of the income.
    • Hover your mouse over the Account’s, Process’ and Contract’s name and click on to open the specific account/process/contract

Edit an Income

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income.
  2. Click on the income you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Edit Button to open the edit form.Edit an income v.6.2 |comidorplatform
  4. Edit the information you want and click on:
    • Save to save the changes and close the edit form.
    • Cancel to close the edit form without saving.

Actions in an Income

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income.
  2. Click on an income to view it.
  3. Click on the Actions Button in the income and a list of options appears. Choose:

Income | Actions Button.v6.2 | Comidor Platform

    • Delete to delete the income (Delete an Income)
    • Print to open the income in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
    • Notify to notify specific Comidor groups or Comidor users or external recipients via email (Notifications).
    • Link with to Link the income with other entities. Follow the procedure of Link With.
    • Copy as to copy the income with the same information and its relations or edit the information you want and click on:
      Copy as Income v.6.2. |comidorplatform
      • Save to save the copied income.
      • Cancel to close the Create a copy form without saving.


    • Rights to View Rights & Change Rights of an Income. By default the View Rights and the Change Rights are internal.Income | Comidor Platform
      • Select the State of the View & Change Rights
      • Select the Groups and/or the Users to Allow/Restrict
      • Press the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to exit the Rights box.
    • Click on the Links and view everything that is linked to this income or follow the Link with Procedure
    • Click on the Tags to view all the tags of this income or follow the Tags Procedure.


Managing a Group of Incomes

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income.
  2. Group of incomes v.6.2. | comidorplatformClick on the CheckBoxes of the incomes you want to manage and a list of options appears. Choose:
    • Delete to delete the incomes (Delete a group of incomes).
    • Link with to Link the incomes with other entities. Follow the procedure of Link With.
    • Copy as to make a copy of the selected incomes with the information and relations.


Actions in the Income Table

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Income
  2. Click on the Actions Button of the income table and a list of options appears. Choose:Actions_View table v.6.2 | comidorplatform
    • Comparison to get a graphic chart for the net income and cash on a yearly and monthly basis.
      Comparison v.6.2. \ comidorplatform
    • Cashflow to get a graphic chart for the Cash in and Cash out on a yearly and monthly basis.

Cashflow v.6.2. | comidorplatform

    • Balance to get a graphic chart for the income and expenses on a yearly and monthly basis.

Balance v.6.2 |comidorplatform

    • Reports and the Unit Income Reports opens.
      • In this Unit, you can get Reports per Income(s) according to the Filters that you have set.
      • Set the Filters by following the procedure Set Filters.
      • Click on the kind of Report you want to get.
      • Each time you click on a Report a new table is appended.
      • If you choose Income per month you get a report of the sum of the incomes per month.
      • If you choose Income per accounting code you get a report of the incomes per accounting code.Reports v.6.2. | comidorplatform
      • Report Actions
        1. Click Graph and get a Graph of your Report (Chart).
        2. Click Print to open the report in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
        3. Click Export to open the report in a new tab and save it as a DOC or XLS file.
        4. Click on the X button to close the report.
    • Export to open the Incomes in an MS Excel file.
      1. A pop-up window appears.
      2. Export v.6.2. | comidorplatformSelect All pages or Current Page.
      3. Click on OK to open an MS Excel File or Cancel to go back to the view form or close the window entirely with the X button.
      4. Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.
    • Print to open the incomes’ table in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
      • Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.


Create an Expense

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Expenses.
  2. Click on the ‘+’ button at the top of the screen to open the Create Form.Create new expense v.6.2. | comidorplatform
  3. Fill in the basic information of the new record.
    • Set a title for the Expense.
    • Fill in the date or click on the calendar to select the date. By default, the current date is suggested.
    • Search for an Accounting code and select it or add a new one. See how to add Categories in Data Management.
  4. Fill in the financial information.
    • Expenses are the net value of the expense.
    • Credit is the net value plus the VAT of the expense.
    • Cash-out is the amount that you have paid.
  5. Each Expense may have its core relations. So, you can Link this income with an Account, a related Process, and a Contract. Type some related letters and click on them to find an entity you want from this point.
  6. Click on either Save to save the Expense or Save and New to save the Expense and add a new one, or click on Cancel to close the create form and go back to the table of Expenses.

View an Expense

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Expenses.
  2. Click on an Expense to view its details.
  3. View the Summary of the Expense.
    • Hover your mouse over Account’s, Process’ and Contract’s name and click on to open the specific account/process/contract in the appropriate unit.
  4. Click on the Tags to view all the tags of this Expense or follow the Tags Procedure.
  5. Click on the Links and view everything that is linked to this Expense or follow the Link with Procedure.

View Rights & Change Rights of an Expense

After Creating an Expense you can set View and Change Rights. By default the View Rights are Internal and the Change Rights are Public.Income | Comidor Platform

  1. Press the Edit button.
  2. Select the State of the View & Change Rights
  3. Select the Groups and/or the Users to Allow/Restrict
  4. Press the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to exit the Rights box.

Edit an Expense

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Expenses.
  2. Click on the Expense you want to edit to open it.
  3. Click on the Edit button to open the edit form.
  4. Edit an axpense v.6.2 | comidorplatformEdit the information you want and click on:
    • Save to save the changes and close the edit form.
    • Cancel to close the edit form without saving.

Actions in an Expense

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting Automation > Expenses.
  2. Click on an expense to view it.
  3. Click on the Actions Button in the expense and a list of options appears. Choose:
    Actions in an expense v.6.2 | comidorplatform

    • Delete to delete the Expense (Delete an Expense).
    • Print to open the Expense in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
    • Notify to notify specific Comidor groups or Comidor users or external recipients via email (Notifications).
    • Link with to Link the Expense with other entities. Follow the procedure of Link With.


Managing a Group of Expenses

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Accounting and Finance > Expenses.Expenses | Comidor Platform
  2. Click on the CheckBoxes of the Expenses you want to manage and a list of options will appear.
    • Delete to delete the Expenses (Delete a group of incomes).
    • Link with to Link the Expenses with other entities. Follow the procedure of Link With.
    • Copy as to make a copy of the selected expense(s). In the pop-up that appears, define the title and the date of the copied expense, and click on Save.

Expenses | Comidor Platform


Get a graphic chart for the Expenses on a yearly and monthly basis.Income | Comidor Platform

  1. From the Actions Button in the table of Expenses, choose the option Comparison.Expenses | Comidor Platform
  2. Check results.


  1. Click on the Actions Button in the table of Expenses and click on the option Reports.
  2. The Unit Expenses Reports will open.
    • In this Unit, you can get Reports per Expense(s) according to the Filters that you have set.
    • Set the Filters by following the procedure Set Filters.
    • Click on the kind of Report you want to get.
    • Each time you click on a Report a new table is appended.
    • If you choose Expenses per month you get a report of the sum of the Expenses per month.
    • If you choose Expenses per category you get a report of the incomes per Expense’s category.Expenses | Comidor Platform

Report Actions

  1. Click Graph and get a Graph of your Report (Chart).
  2. Click Print to open the report in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
  3. Click Export to open the report in a new tab and save it as a PDF file.
  4. Click on the X button to close the report.


  1. From the Actions Button in the table of Expenses, click on the option Export to open the Expenses in an MS Excel file.
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, select All pages or Current Page.
  3. Click on OK to open an MS Excel File or Cancel to go back to the view form or close the window (X).
    • Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.


Click on the Actions Button in the table of Expense and click on the option Print to open the Expenses’ table in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.

  • Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.

Budgeting & Forecasting

Create an Entry in Budgeting & Forecasting

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Project Management > Budgeting & Forecasting.
  2. Click on the ‘+’ button at the top of the screen to open the Create Form.Forecasting | Comidor Platform
  3. Set a title and fill in the date of it or click on the calendar to select the date. By default, the current date is suggested.
  4. Search for an Accounting code and select it or add a new one. See how to add Categories in Data Management.
  5. Fill in the financial information of the Budget entity.
    • Income is the net value of the expected income.
    • Expenses refer to the net value of the expected expenses.
    • Debit is the net value plus the VAT of the expected income.
    • Credit is the net value plus the VAT of the expected expenses.
    • Cash in is the received amount of the expected income.
    • Cash-out is the amount of the expected expenses that you have paid.
  6. Each entry may have its core relations. So, you can Link this entry with an Account, a related Process, and a Contract.
  7. Then, click on Save to save the entry. Click on Save and New to save the entry and add a new one, or click on Cancel to close the create form and go back to the table of entries.

Edit an Entry

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Project Management > Budgeting & Forecasting.
  2. Click on the entry you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Edit button to open the edit form.
  4. Edit the information you want and click on:
    • Save to save the changes and close the edit form.
    • Save and notify to save but also send a Notification message to appropriate people.
    • Cancel to close the edit form without saving.Forecasting | Comidor Platform
  5. Click on the Actions Button in the Budgeting & Forecasting and a list of options will appear. Choose:
    • Delete to delete the entry.
    • Print to open the entry in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
    • Notify to notify specific Comidor groups or Comidor users or external recipients via email (Notifications).
    • Link with to Link the entry with other entities. Follow the procedure of Link With.
  6. Finally, users can either click on the Tags to view all the tags of this entry or follow the Tags Procedure, or on the Links and view everything that is linked to this entry or follow the Link with Procedure.

Managing a Group of entries

  1. Go to Packages Icon > Project Management > Budgeting & Forecasting.
  2. Click on the Checkboxes of the entries you want to manage and a list of options will appear.
  3. Choose between:Forecasting | Comidor Platform
    • Delete to delete the entries (Delete a group of Entries).
    • Link with to Link the entries with other entities.
    • Copy as, in order to make a copy of the selected entries. In the pop-up window choose the date of the copies.

Forecasting | Comidor PlatformCashflow

Forecasting | Comidor Platform

  1. Click on the Actions Button in the table of entries and click on the option Cashflow.Forecasting | Comidor Platform
  2. Check results.


The Balance graph chart compares the Income and Expenses on a yearly and monthly basis.

  1. From the Actions Button in the table of entries, press on the option Balance.Forecasting | Comidor Platform
  2. Check results.

Budgeting Reports

  1. Click on the Actions Button in the table of entries and choose the option Budgeting Reports.
  2. The Unit Budgeting Reports will open.Cashflow reports | Comidor Platform
    • The Budgeting report creates Budget Income and Expenses per month reports according to the Filters that you have set.
    • Set the Filters by following the procedure Set Filters.
    • Click on the kind of Report you want to fetch.
      • If you choose Budget Income per month you get a monthly report of the budget income.
      • If you choose Budget Expenses per month you get a monthly report of the budget expenses.

Cashflow Reports

The Cashflow Report creates an overview of the cash flow per month data.

  1. From the Actions Button in the table of entries, click on the option Cashflow Reports.
  2. The Unit Cashflow Reports will open.Cashflow reports | Comidor Platform
  3. Set the Filters by following the procedure Set Filters and choose the Cashflow per month report. A new table appears.
  4. Click Graph and get a Graph of your Report (Chart).
  5. Click Print to open the report in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.
  6. Click Export to open the report in a new tab and save it as a PDF file.
  7. At last, click on the X button to close the report.


  1. From the Actions Button in the table of entries, click on the option Export to open the Budgeting & Forecasting entries in an MS Excel file.
  2. A pop-up window will appear.
  3. Select All pages or Current Page.
  4. Then, click on OK to open in an MS Excel File or Cancel to go back to the view form or close the window (X).
    • Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.


Finally, go to the Actions Button in the table of entries and click on the option Print to open the Budgeting & Forecasting table in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure.

  • Make sure that your browser doesn’t block the pop-ups.