tags and links v.6| Comidor Platform

Tags and Links (Data Management)

Tags and Links (Data Management) 789 592 Marketing Team

Comidor Tags and Links enables the connection of diverse records across Comidor (i.e. link a project to an opportunity, add the same tag to a task and a case (e.g. “Customer Acquisitions”). This powerful feature gives users quick and seamless access to information with quick and easy reference and data retrieval.

Comidor Tags can be created by selecting the Tags on the left panel of the screen when in a Comidor Record. The user can create a new tag (or reuse existing ones) and also choose if the new tag will be available as public (users and guest users), internal (all users), within their Organizational Chart group or private.


Add and Use a new Tag

  1. To create a new tag select Tags fro the actions icon on the right side of the screen when you navigate in a Comidor Record and add the Tag Name
    add tag v.6| Comidor Platform
  2. Select the Access filter (internal tag, public tag, private tag, specific group tag) and click on Add. Click Close to exit
    access - tags v.6| Comidor Platform
  3. To apply a previously created tag click on the drop-down list, select the required Tag from the list and click on Add. Click Close to exit
  4. To remove a tag that has been already applied click on X next to the Tag. Click Close to exit
  5. Search for Comidor records that use tags by selecting a tag from the Tags list. Records with the requested tag will be displayed

tags filters v.6| Comidor Platform


Manage Tags

Tags Management helps administer private, public and group Tags that have been added in Comidor.

Delete a Tag

Go to:

  1. My Company > Data Management > Tags
  2. Click on a Tag
  3. Click on the Actions Icon and select to Delete the Tag. A confirmation pop-up box appears.

Delete multiple Tags

Go to:

  1. My Company > Data Management > Tags
  2. Select multiple Tags from the table to delete them (a confirmation pop-up box will appear)delete tags v.6| Comidor Platform

Manage Tags rights

  1. Go to My Company > Data Management > Tags
  2. Click on a Tag
  3. Click on the View/Change Rights Pencil Icon on the left panel. Make Tags available as public (this includes Guest users), internal or to specific groups or people


Links are a powerful way of connecting data and enabling users to access relevant data in a very efficient manner.

A Comidor Link can be created by clicking Links on the actions icon on right side of the screen when viewing a Comidor Record.

  1. If no Links have been added a blank pop-up window opens. Click on Link with and search for a word or phrase to find the related element for a required link. Memos and Files can also be searched for
  2. The search results will appear indexed on the left panel of the screen for easier navigation
  3. The user clicks on the connector-icon of the element of the required link – this creates the link
  4. Links are available from both Comidor elements (“Customer ABC” is linked with the “Partner XYZ”). Links are now available from both Comidor elements (“Customer ABC” is linked with the “Partner XYZ”).
  5. Links can be removed by clicking on X

In order to see already added links, click on the respective icon on the top right of each entity.add links v.6| Comidor Platform

  • Click on the Tables on the left to see the linked entity you wish (emails, processes, etc)
  • Select the linked entity you wish and you will be redirected to a new tab of this entry
  • Click on – to remove this item from links

linked with v.6| Comidor Platform
