organizational chart v.6| Comidor Platform

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart 789 592 Marketing Team

One of the first and most important functions to complete in Comidor is the Organizational Chart. Organizational Chart represents the structure of the company and based on its accuracy ensures that company information flows correctly.

To ensure that the Organizational Chart is fully functional, users/personnel must be added to groups. Therefore it is good practice to add users/personnel prior to creating groups.

Only Comidor System Administrators can create, edit and delete a group in the Organizational Chart. Team Leaders of a group can edit the group(s) they own.

Create an Organizational Chart – Create Group(s)

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. To create a group, go to Company Setup > Business Architecture > Organizational Chart
  2. Click on the Actions Icon to create groups
  3. A pop-up window appears.
  4. Add a name for the group, select the type if required (affiliate or virtual – see below), upload a photo for the group and click Save to create it, Cancel to close the create form or X close the window

organizational chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

There are three (3) types of groups:

legend v.6.2| Comidor Platform

  • Group (default type) – an actual company department/group (grey boxes with normal border). All Comidor users can be added to this type of group i.e. the Finance Department
  • Affiliate Group, a group that represents guest users (grey boxes with dotted border). Only guest users can be added and will have access only to public data of the company i.e. external contractors
  • Virtual Group, a group that represents a combination of users from different departments (green boxes). All Comidor users can be added to this type of group e.g. Project “Trade Fair London” or “Football Team”

add new group Org. Chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

  1. New groups are added to the top right of the screen. Click on the cross to drag and drop groups below other groups

Add Users

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

To fully utilize the Organizational Chart, users need to be added to groups.

  1. To add a user go tο Company Setup > Business Architecture > Organizational Chart
  2. Click on the Actions Icon to add a user
  3. The user’s screen will open (Create Users)Add user Org. chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

You can also add users in Company Setup > System Administration > Users.

Add User(s) in Groups

This refers to System Administrator Users and Users who are Team Leaders (only for their team)

  1. Select the users you want to add to the group. Search for users using the Search in the users field
  2. Select the desired User(s).
  3. Drag-and-drop the User(s) to the specific group you wish them to participate
  4. After the User(s) are added a confirmation message appears

drag and drop org chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Managing Users & Groups

Go to Company Setup > Business Architecture > Organizational Chart

View/Search a User

  1. Search for the User you want using the Search box
  2. When the box next to the user’s name is ticked, the groups in the organizational chart, that the user belongs to, are automatically highlighted in greensearch in users org. chart V6.2 | Comidor Platform

View Search a User v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Search a Group

The Search in groups field can be used to search for a group by name and focus on that group and the group’s sub-groups.

View a Group

  1. Click on the name of the group to view the members
  2. In the view that opens members of the group can be seen
  3. Click the photo icon to add a photo for a specific group
  4. Click on Processes on the left of the screen to view all Process Templates that are supervised/owned by this Group

View a group v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Delete Member(s) of a Group

This refers to System Administrator Users and Users who are Team Leaders but only for their team. 

  1. Click on the name of the group you want to delete member(s) of
  2. In the view that opens, you can see the members of the group
  3. Click on the name of the user you wish to delete and press the delete button ( X )delete member v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Add a User as a Team leader (Line Manager)

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Click on the name of the group you wish to manage
  2. In the view that opens you can see the members of the group
  3. Click on the name of the user and press on the green framed star to make the user a Team Leaderteam leader org. chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Team Leader functionality appears in Calendar, Workflows, and many Reporting Tools.

A star is added next to the user’s name to indicate their status as a team leader.

Remove a User’s Team Leader Status

This refers only to System Administrator Users

  1. Click on the name of the group you wish to manage
  2. In the view that opens you can see the members of the group
  3. Click on the name of the user and click on the red-framed star to remove their team leader status

Set as a primary group 

This refers only to System Administrator Users

A user may belong to multiple groups, but you can specify one group as his/her primary.

  1. Click on the name of the group you wish to manage
  2. In the view that opens you can see the members of the group
  3. Click on the name of the user and click on the flag icon to set this group as his/her primaryset as primary groupv.6.2| Comidor Platform

Set as the top (branch)

This refers only to System Administrator Users

In complicated organizational charts, you can narrow down the groups to be displayed to specific branches. All groups under these groups will be displayed, while the rest will be hidden.

  1. Click on the name of the group you wish to manage
  2. In the view that opens you can see the members of the group
  3. Click on the name of the user and click on the set as top(branch) icon to make this group as the top group of your organizational charttop branch org. chart v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Group’s Action Button

Go to Company Setup > Business Architecture > Organizational Chart

Create sub-group

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Click on the Actions Icon of the group you want to create a sub-group of
  2. An Add New Group window appears. Add a name for the New Group and click Create/enter to create it or Cancel to close the creation window or close the window (X).create sub group v.6.2| Comidor Platform

The sub-group will appear on the Organizational Chart under the selected group.

Rename a Group

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Click on the Actions Icon of the group you want to rename. A pop-up window appears. Add a new name for the Group and click update/enter to rename it or cancel to close the pop-up window or close the window (X)
  2. Alternatively, click on the Group you wish to rename, click the Pencil Icon to edit the Group name. Press Save to update the name or Cancel to cancel the procedure

Delete a Group

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Click on the Actions button of the group which you want to delete.
  2. A Delete confirmation window appears. Click on Delete to confirm the deletion. Click on Cancel to go back to the Organizational Chart or close the window (X).

Focus on a Group

  1. Click on the Actions Icon of the group you want to focus on
  2. Only the selected group with its child nodes appear.focus v.6.2| Comidor Platform

To go back to the previous view click on the Actions Icon to Restore Hidden.

Hide child nodes of a Group

This refers only to System Administrator Users. This refers only to groups that have sub-group(s). 

  1. Click on the Actions Icon of the group where you want to hide the child nodes
  2. All the child nodes disappearhide child nodes v.6.2| Comidor Platform

To restore hidden nodes click on the main Actions Icon and select Restore Hidden.

Organization Chart Actions Button

  1. Go to Company Setup > Business Architecture > Organizational Chart
  2. Click on the Actions Icon and a list of options appears:
    • Add user – to add a new user
    • Create a group – to add a new group of the organisational chart
    • Print – to open the Organizational Chart in a new tab for printing. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure
    • Legend – to view the legend of the Organizational Chart in a pop-up window
    • Zoom – to select the size of the Organizational Chart (Very small, Small, Normal, Large)

organization Chart Actions Button v.6.2| Comidor Platform
