Users, Application Rights and Roles | Comidor Platform

Users, Application Rights and Roles

Users, Application Rights and Roles 789 592 Marketing Team

The first user that is registered in Comidor is the System Administrator (Admin). The Admin is responsible for managing Comidor Users, creating Personnel and passwords, editing, deactivating a user, and more.

  • You can create a new User and then modify their details in the Personnel unit
  • After creating a user you need to allocate specific Application Rights and add the user to a group(s) in the organizational chart
  • System Administrator access is available only to users that have the System Admin checkbox checked

Creating a new user

This refers only to System Administrator users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Users
  2. Click on the + icon to create a new userUsers | Comidor Platform
  3. Add the following admin fields:
    • First Name and Last Name: the actual name of the user
    • Title: e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr
    • Username: the username that the user will use to log into Comidor
    • Password: add the user’s password – this can be changed later. The password must contain at least 8 digits and also contain at least one number and one special character e.g. ! or %
    • System Administrator/Data Manager: If the user is a System Administrator (will have access to the System Administration package, which grants access to User and Role Management, Imports, etc.) and Data Manager (will have access to all data, regardless of their access code)
    • Write Access: In the Write Access list, the Protected value is selected by default. Protected – any data created is only viewable by other users who have been given access i.e. a task assigned, meeting invitation, or document. Public – everything that the current user creates (Contacts, Tasks, etc.) will have public rights and can be accessed even by the guest users. Selecting Private – any data created will be not viewable by all users apart from Data Manager users
    • Set the Principal Name of this user for the SSO option.
    • Add access to Mobile application: check this option to grant access to this user in the custom mobile app.
    • Guest: If this option is checked the user will have limited access to data in the system (only data that is shared as public) and you can add guests only in a virtual or affiliate group in the organizational chart
  4. Location fields:
    • Category: Choose a category for this user. You will be able to access this user with this category name in the contacts
    • Job Title: Select from the list of job titles that are created during the business setup
    • Education: Fill in the user’s education.
      • Job Title, Education, Username will be added automatically in the user’s Personnel record which will be created after the user is set up
    • Division: The Division that the user will be a member of
    • Company: The business entity of level Company that the user will be a member of
    • Location & Contractual Location: The Location that the user will be a member of
    • Timezone: User’s default Timezone
    • Locale: Set the language of the Comidor environment – this can be changed later
  5. Basic fields:
    • Valid from and to options: Admin can permit the new user to log in for a certain time period. By default, the dates will be taken as the current date up to the year 2099
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Managing Users

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Users
  2. Check the Rights of the users in the table columns (User-Level, System Administrator, Database Manager, Data Manager, Developer)

Users | Comidor Platform

  1. Select a user from the list.
  2. Click on the Pencil Icon to edit the user details:
    • In the Summary section you can edit the First Name, Last Name, Title, Username, Password, System, and Data Manager rights, Category, Job Title, Education, Write Access, Access rights, Functional Group, Division, Office, Timezone, Locale and User Validation dates. All these fields are explained in the Create a User section. Click on Save to proceed
    • In the Contact Details section, you can add the contact details of the user, e.g. phone(s), Email, and address. If you have already added contact information for this user in personnel you can sync this by clicking on the “Use registered details from an existing contact” grey side box. A new window to select the contact (personnel) will appear. Click on Save to proceed
  3. Click on the Roles tab to manage an existing user role or add a new user role for the user by clicking on the + Icon
    • If you have already added role(s) to this user you can click on one to view the details or edit it
    • Or select one user role from the list in order to delete it
  4. Click on the Groups tab to manage an existing user group or assign a user to a group in the Organizational Chart.
    • Assign a user to a group by clicking on the + Icon. Select the user group from the list in the Organizational Chart and the user level (Member, Leader, or Director). Click on Save or Save and New to proceed
    • Click on a Group from the list to set it as primary for the user. This group will be set as the default user group if the user is a member of more than one group
    • Select Group(s) from the list in order to delete them from the groups that the user is a member of. This will remove the user from the group in the Organizational Chart
  5. Click on the Emails tab to connect an email to the user or see the existing Email addresses of the user or edit the Email provider host details
    • Click on the + icon to add a new email address for the user. Fill in the Host, Port, and password details. Test the email connection and save the email
    • Select one email from the list to delete it
    • Click on the email to check its Host and Port details

Users | Comidor Platform

  1. Click on the Actions Icon to Activate/Deactivate a user (this will enable or disable user validation dates)

User Activation/Deactivation

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Users
  2. Select multiple users to Activate or Deactivate them (this will enable or disable user validation dates)
  3. Or select a User from the list of users and click on the Actions Icon to Activate/Deactivate a User (this will enable or disable User validation dates)

Users | Comidor Platform

Manage Multiple Users

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Users
  2. Check the rights of users in the table columns (User-Level, System Administrator, Database Manager, Data Manager, Developer)
  3. Click on the Actions Icon to Print or Export the current Users view



Application Rights

Application Rights gives the ability to administrators to hide or allocate modules and menus to users e.g. you may want to let specific users have access to the financial module. With Comidor you can allow users to access certain modules but restricting their access to functions within those modules. Any role created can be managed in terms of Rights (e.g. which units from Modules will be visible for each role).

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

Monitor Application Rights

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration >  Application Rights
  2. This will display all the users

To exit Application rights click on the back arrow.

Available Packages of Each User

  1. Select the Available packages tab and search for a specific user to activate the packages
  2. Select Activate all to activate all the packages for a user
  3. Then inactivate any package that should not be available to the user

Application Rights | Comidor Platform

Role Rights

After creating a Role you can restrict access to individual objects within a module for that role.

  1. Select Role Rights. In order to see Role Rights, a role should be created first
  2. Search and select the role to set up role rights for
  3. On the right side, you will see the Comidor Modules and each Module Units Select a Module and click to disable either all units of a module or some units of a module

Application Rights | Comidor Platform

View and Change Rights on Records and Financial Data

Records and financial information that are added in Comidor may be sensitive and their access should be restricted to specific people or groups. On the left side when viewing this type of sensitive object there are Access rights for the record/financial entity.

Rights | Comidor Platform

Click on the Actions button and select the option Rights to change View/Change Rights.

  • Selecting the View Rights tab, you can choose to give access to a group that you are a member of or select multiple groups and /or users from the Allow option on the left side of the pop-up box. In addition, you can restrict specific users of groups from viewing this object
  • Selecting the Change Rights tab, you can choose to allow change of an entity from a group that you are a member of or select multiple groups and /or users from the Allow options on the left side of the pop-up box. In addition, you can restrict specific users of groups from viewing this object

Rights | Comidor Platform

Click Save to save any changes.

Roles, Rights, and User Roles

Rights can be assigned to an existing role that can be assigned to a user in User Roles. These rights (managed from the Application Rights unit) can give responsibilities such as handling financials, setting up users and their application rights, or handling people management activities e.g. absences.

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

Add a New Role

  1. Go to Enterprise Apps Icon > Business Architecture > Roles
  2. Click on the + icon to create a Role
  3. Add a Role Title and Role Description
  4. Add a default Position for the Role – if a user has multiple roles, the positioning will prioritise the rights according to the order of the roles
  5. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Roles | Comidor Platform

Edit a Role

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > Business Architecture >Roles
  2. Select a Role from the list of Roles
  3. Click on the Pencil Icon to edit the information
  4. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Add Rights in a Role

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Rights per Role
    • Click on the + icon to create a new Right. Select the Owner Name(Role), Object Type, and Name
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)
  2. Alternatively, go to Company Setup Icon > Business Architecture > Roles
    • Click on a role from the list
    • Click on the Rights tab and click the + icon to create a new right that will be assigned automatically to that relevant role
    • Add the Right Info (Object Type and Object Name)
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Assign a User to a User Role

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > System Administration > Roles per user
    • Click on the + icon to create a new user role. Select the Role, User, Level, and Position. The level will define the range in which the user will have the selected rights (in his Functional Group/Division/Office level). The position will define the order in which the roles will be applied to this user
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)
  1. Alternatively – go to Company Setup Icon > Business Architecture > Roles
    • Click on a Role from the list
    • Click on the Users tab and click the + icon to create a new User Role
    • Add the User Roles Info (Use, Level, Position)
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Manage Roles

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Company Setup Icon > Business Architecture > Roles
  2. Enter a specific Role from the list. Select the Actions Icon to:
    • Delete the role. A confirmation box will appear
    • Print the current role details. A new tab will open in the browser where you should follow the relevant printing procedure. Printing can also be performed using the Printer Icon
    • Link the Role with another Comidor object, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
    • Notify – to send a Notification to specific users, groups, or external recipients via email (provided that you have already connected your email in the system)
  3. Select a Role or Roles to:
    • Delete them. A confirmation pop-up box will appear
    • Link with another Comidor object, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc

Manage and Edit Right(s)

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

Rights per Role | Comidor Platform

Go to Modules Menu Icon > System Administration > Rights per Role

    • Click on a specific right from the list
    • Click the Actions icon to perform the following:
      • Delete the Right. A confirmation box will appear
      • Print current Right details. A new tab will open in the browser where you should follow the relevant printing procedure
      • Link with another Comidor object, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
      • Notify – to send a Notification to specific users, groups, or external recipients via email (provided that you have already connected your email in the system)
  • Select specific rights to:
      • Delete them. A confirmation pop-up box will appear
      • Link with another Comidor entity, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
  • Go to Modules Menu Icon > System Administration > User Management> Roles
    • Click on a specific Role from the list
    • Press the Rights tab to select and Delete the Roles’ Rights

Manage and Edit Roles per User

This refers only to System Administrator Users.

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > System Administration > Roles per User
  2. Enter a specific User Role from the list
    • Click on the Actions icon to perform the following:
      • Delete the User Role. A confirmation box will appear.
      • Print current User Role details. A new tab will open in the browser where you should follow the relevant printing procedure
      • Link User Role with another Comidor entity, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc.
      • Notify, to send Notification to specific users, groups, or external recipients via email (provided that you have already connected your email in the system)
    • Select specific user roles to:
      • Delete – a confirmation pop-up box will appear
      • Link with another Comidor object, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > Enterprise Architecture > Roles
  2. Click on the Users tab to select and Delete a User’s Roles.