Workflow Reports featured | Comidor Platform

Workflow Reports

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Comidor provides Business Intelligence tools such as Data Visualization, Reporting Tools, and Workflow Reports.
Get real-time insights about any workflow through Comidor Workflow Designs Reports. Each workflow engages different users and groups in every workflow stage. The users engaged in a workflow task are the assignees, who may be one or more individual users and/or groups. Apart from the assignees, you can also check which user is Responsible, Accountable, Consultant, and Informed considering the respective task.

Through Workflow Reports, Comidor offers a variety of ways to monitor the Workflow designs and the user responsibilities within a business but also get rich insights from the runtime of the workflows. In particular, the Workflow Reports available in Comidor are the below:

  • RACI Report
  • User Activities Report
  • Workflow Reports
  • Workflow Task Report
  • Workflows Escalation Report
  • Workflow Analytics Report
  • Workflow Audit Report

RACI Report

The RACI Report depicts the different user responsibilities and roles regarding the workflow tasks of a business process, by demonstrating which user is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted or Informed.
In order to access the RACI Report:

1. Click on App Factory Icon > Workflow Automation > Process Designs.

2. Click on the Actions button and select RACI Report.RACI report | Comidor Platform

A new tab opens.

RACI report | Comidor Platform

3. Click on the Fetch button to display the RACI Report for all users and workflows. As it is shown in the picture, the first column of the table describes all processes and the rest columns represent the different users who participate in a process and their roles respectively. Different colours are used for each type of responsibility to make the RACI chart easier to read.

4. Use the filters to generate a more specific report:

    • Select a date range of the workflow design creation
    • Select a specific workflow design
    • Select the workflow status (prepared or not prepared)
    • Select among different workflow versions

5. Select Print or Export .xls buttons to print or export in CSV the RACI Report with all applied filters.

User Activities Report

The User Activities Report is based on users and shows the workflows in which a user participates, the activities, the responsibilities per workflow stage, as well as other important information regarding the workflow. In order to access the User Activities Report:

  1. Click on App Factory Icon > Workflow Automation > Process Designs.

2. Click on the Actions button and select User Activities Report.

User Activities report | Comidor Platform

A new tab opens.

3. Define the respective filters and click on the Fetch button. The applicable filters on the User Activities Report are the following:

    • User: Define the user for whom the report will be generated. If no user is specified, the report can not be generated.
    • Workflow: Select a specific workflow from the dropdown list.
    • Type of Responsibility: Select a user to filter the report’s results for each role (Responsible, Accountable, Consultant, Informed).

User Activities report | Comidor Platform

4. Select Print or Export .xls buttons to print or export in CSV the User Activities Report with all applied filters.

Click here to learn how you can start designing a workflow.

Workflows Report

Designers use this report to see the total workflow designs that have been created. Useful information is also depicted, regarding the state(prepared, not prepared), Category, access and change rights as well as the period of creation.

  • In order to access the Workflows Report, click on Packages Icon> Process Intelligence > Workflows Report.
  • The Workflows Report opens with the following filters and Fetch, Clear and Export.xls buttons.
  • Use the filters to generate a more specific report:
      • Type a specific workflow design Title
      • Select the workflow status (prepared or not prepared)
      • Select the workflow Category (free list)
      • Select a date range of the workflow design creation
  • Click on Fetch to generate your report. The following columns will appear: Title, Category, State, Group Code, Maximum Days, Minimum Priority, Access Rights, and Change Rights.

Workflows report fetch | Comidor Platform

  • Check this option Include controls, and fetch again. All the linked Controls of your workflows are depicted in the report as well. In particular, you can see the Title, Code, Prefix and Document name of each Control.

Workflows report with controls| Comidor Platform

  • Click on the Clear button to remove all defined filters.
  • Click on the Export.xls button to export the Workflows Report in .xls format. In the pop-up, choose the desired delimiter.

Workflow Task Report

Managers can use this report to see the total tasks that have been created per app, user and state. Useful information is also depicted, regarding the process title, stage and state, and task scheduling, duration, and assignees.

  • In order to access the Workflow Task Report, click on Packages Icon> Process Intelligence > Workflow Task Report.
  • The Workflow Task Report opens with the following filters: Application, Process State, Task State, User, Assignees, Dates: From/To and the Fetch and Clear button.
  • Use the filters to generate a more specific report:
      • Application: choose from the list of custom apps
      • Process State: choose among all, confirmed, scheduled, running, completed, cancelled, paused, or failed.
      • Task State: choose among all, scheduled, running, completed, cancelled, paused
      • User: choose one user (who completed the task)
      • Assignees: choose one user(s)/group(s) (who are assigned to the task)
      • Dates: From/To: define the date range you want this report for. You can either type the dates or choose from the mini calendar.
  • Click on Fetch to generate your report. The following columns will appear Process Description, Stage, Task Description, Start Date(when the task started), Due Date(scheduled end date), Actual End Date(when the task ended), Scheduled Duration, User, Assignees, Process State, and Task State.

Workflow Task Report | Comidor Platform

  • Click on the Clear button to remove all defined filters.
  • Process Description and Task Description are clickable, so you can easily navigate to the respective process or task record respectively.


Workflows Escalation Report

With the Workflows Escalation Report, you have the opportunity to monitor all escalation notifications that were triggered in a workflow run time, for tasks with the delayed finish.

  • In order to access the Workflow Analytics Report, click on Packages Icon> Process Intelligence > Workflow Escalation Report.
  • The Report opens with the following filters and Fetch, Clear and Export.xls buttons.
  • Use the filters to generate a more specific report:
      • Choose a specific workflow from the list to generate the report.
      • Select a date range of the workflow run time.
  • Click on Fetch to generate your report. The following columns will appear Workflow Title, Escalation Title, Escalation Date and Time, Task Title, Assigned to, and Process Description.

Workflows Escalation Report | Comidor Platform

  • Click on the Clear button to remove all defined filters.
  • Click on the Export.xls button to export the Workflows Report in .xls format. In the pop-up, choose the desired delimiter.

Workflow Analytics Report

Choose a Workflow and populate the Analytics Report, to get insights on each Workflow’s real-time usage.

  • In order to access the Workflow Analytics Report, click on Packages Icon> Process Intelligence > Workflow Analytics Report.
  • The Report opens with only one field (Select a Workflow) and a fetch button.
  • Select a Workflow: choose one record from the list of all workflows.
  • Click on the Fetch Button to generate your Workflow analytics report. 2 tabs are available:
    1. Dashboard tab: Set Analytics Filters to get the results you wish.
      • Narrow your results to tasks that were assigned to a specific user or group.
      • Select the period of time you are interested in.
      • Click on Refresh and the following graphs are populated: Analytics Totals, Instances per State, Tasks per User, Delayed tasks per User, Tasks per Team, Delayed tasks per Team

workflow analytics dashboard | Comidor Platform

  • Pinpoint the total and delayed instances and tasks that were created within one workflow. Cost is calculated based on the duration of each task multiplied by the cost rate of the user that completes each task. See more in the Services unit.

workflow analytics graph | Comidor Platform


2. Analytics Preview tab: Set Analytics Filters to get the results you wish

      • Choose between Total or Delayed Tasks to be displayed.
      • Monitor the Duration and Cost of each step.
      • Select the period of time you are interested in.
      • Click on Refresh. The diagram is updated and in each task, for each chosen filter a row is added with the data from the run time. (value & percentage).

workflow analytics preview | Comidor Platform

  • View workflow analytics with the “Delayed Task” Filter to measure the scheduled time and the actual time it took for a task to be completed. This feature enables users to identify bottlenecks.  Each task has the chosen filters (Total tasks, Delayed tasks, Cost, Duration, ineffective KPIs) with counter & percentage. The tasks with delays are highlighted in red, whereas those with no delays are in green.

workflow analytics preview | Comidor Platform

  • View workflow analytics with the “Total Task” Filter to measure how many times every task is executed in total. This identifies your “critical path”, and your process “optimal path” and ultimately helps identify where you should be focused for better resource management.


Workflow Audit Report

With the Workflows Audit Report, managers can check the average time spent on each workflow task of a specific application.

  • In order to access the Workflow Analytics Report, click on Packages Icon> Process Intelligence > Workflow Analytics Report.
  • The Report opens with the following filters Application, Dates: From/To and the Fetch button.
  • Application: choose one record from the list of all applications.
  • Dates: From/To: Select a date range of the workflow run time. You can either type the dates or choose from the mini calendar.
  • Click on Fetch to generate your report. A pop-up window will appear, with send/cancel/x buttons.

Workflow Audit Report | Comidor Platform

    • Email recipients: choose one or more users to receive this report.
    • Depending on the users you chose, the system finds from their personnel card the email account.
    • Click on Send to send your report via email. The report is being generated and is sent to the selected recipient(s)
    • Alternatively, click on Cancel/x and you are directed back to the report.

Workflow Audit Report sent | Comidor Platform

  • An email is sent with the following structure.
  • The Workflow audit report is attached to the email. The excel has 3 columns: Task title, User, and Avg duration.

Workflow Audit Report xls | Comidor Platform
