Workflow automation | Comidor Platform

Comidor Workflow Documentation

Comidor Workflow Documentation 789 592 Marketing Team

Comidor can virtually map and track any organizational process through its Workflow unit. Through this business process workflow documentation we will provide you with important information for Comidor Workflows and Workflow Automation.

Workflows fully exploit the organizational structure to provide unprecedented process design and action monitoring. Through Workflows Designer, the user can navigate and modify existing processes or create a new one using BPMN 2.0 with drag-and-drop functionality.

By attaching Workflows in a Process users are able to see in real-time the Workflow stages (Processes or Tasks). When changing the state of a workflow step (e.g. once a certain task is completed), the process goes to the steps that follow and the workflow stage is automatically updated.


Workflow connection with Process

From the Modules Menu Button, navigate to a “Process” type Unit e.g. Generic Process. Click on the “+” button to create a new entry and in the “Workflow” field, search for the workflow name. The following cases refer to workflow connection with a Process:

Workflow in a process | Comidor Platform

  • A Process Template connected with a Workflow. If Process Template’s initial state is “Running”, the workflow will start automatically, as per Process creation. Alternatively, it will start by manually changing the Process state to “Running”. Workflow in a process template | Comidor Platform
  • Scheduling is connected with a Workflow. The workflow will start automatically, as per Process/App creation based on the defined repetition plan. Workflow in a scheduling | Comidor Platform
  • Alternatively, link a workflow with a process-enabled application in App Builder. Note that if you link a workflow with an application, you cannot use the aforementioned options.

When a new Process with a linked workflow is set as “Running”, the first workflow step is triggered. Then, while the states of Workflow steps range between completed/failed/canceled, the workflow moves on to the following steps, and so on.

In each process record, the end-users can check all workflow tasks that have been triggered automatically based on the workflow design, their state, assignees, dates started & ended and duration, in the respective button.

Workflow tasks | Comidor Platform

Users can also check the run diagram, which will highlight the path that was followed; in green are displayed the completed steps and in blue the pending ones. In case of a workflow design error, the step with the error will be highlighted in purple colour.

Workflow run diagram | Comidor Platform

Workflow creation

To access Workflows:

  1. Click on App Factory icon > Process Automation > Workflows.
  2. To create a New Visual Workflow, simply click on the “+” icon.
  3. Now, add the details of the Workflow.

Workflow creation | Comidor Platform


    • Give the Visual Workflow name as Title, select User group which has the accountability of the process.
    • Click on the 3 dots to add more info.
      • Choose the maximum duration of workflow in days, set the pre-defined minimum priority status.  You can also set a prefix that accompanies all process instances, e.g. if you create a new process with a workflow whose prefix is DOC, then the code of the first process that will contain the respective workflow will be DOC1, the code of the second one will be DOC2, the code of the third one will be DOC3 and so on.
      • Do not forget to give access and change rights to specific users and/or groups and add a short description.
      • Define the Business Owner of the process/workflow by choosing a user from the list.
      • In the Link with UserApp field, you can see if this workflow is being used in an application.
      • If you wish the workflow to be only completed automatically (when the active path reaches the end) leave the option “Allow Manual Completion” unchecked. Check it only, if you want the users to make a manual change to the state of the process(e.g. cancel, fail, pause, etc). Keep in mind that if a workflow is completed/failed/canceled manually, the paths cannot be re-activated.
      • Add a Category to your workflow design, to group all similar workflow designs. With this filter, you can display this workflow design in Enterprise Canvas.
      • Define if this design’s Status is Prepared or Not Prepared. This field is used as a filter in Workflow reports.
      • Describe the Controls,  Policies, and SPP information of this process/workflow.
    • Give the Description, Scope, and Purpose of this process/workflow.
    • Then, click on the “Save” button. Workflow creation | Comidor Platform
  1. Alternatively, you may import a BPMN 2.0 Workflow by pressing the “Actions” button and selecting the related option.Workflow import | Comidor PlatformBPMN 2.0 files that you exported from Comidor or another product can now be imported into Comidor. Each BPMN2.0 file import is unique and does not overwrite other BPMN2.0 files from prior imports. Specific functionality includes:
    • Ability to import a BPMN2.0 file into Comidor.

Workflow import | Comidor Platform

    • Group mapping is available in order to correlate the parties involved in the imported workflow. If there are already assigned parties in Comidor, they will be identified by the platform.
    • You can correlate the involved parties, by typing their name or choose from the pre-defined options in the drop-down list. The group mapping is available for:
      • Groups
      • Users
      • Roles
    • Hover your mouse above the info icon to see in which task each role, user or group is used.


Manage a Visual Workflow Design

After the Workflow creation, the system directs you to the Workflow Summary interface, in order for the user to either edit details or start designing! Click on:

1. Summary “Pencil” button to edit initial details.

2. “Actions” button options:

  • Delete the Workflow.Workflow versions | Comidor Platform
  • Copy / Version the current workflow design.
    • Give a Title to the copied Workflow design
    • Or click check on the Version optionWorkflow versions | Comidor Platform
    • Keep in mind that the DB must be reloaded.
    • Click on the Versions tab to see all versions that you have created.
    • Schedule the date range of the version you want to be active.

Workflow versions | Comidor Platform

  • Option Export BPMN 2.0 document, saves the Workflow as a BPMN2.0 file to your computer for future import activities.Workflow export | Comidor Platform


3.  Process Mapping: Comidor allows users to add process mapping in HTML, including enriched text and pictures. You are able to apply styles, fonts, and other format options. Just click on the respective tab and then on the “Pencil” button.

Workflow process mapping | Comidor Platform4. Business Process document allows users to export the full workflow design and architecture including all components, resources, and stakeholders involved. The export is in PDF format and the document includes Business process diagram, Process elements in detail, Personnel allocation, Workflow Controls Contents, Workflow Policies Contents, and SPP Contents.

Workflows | Comidor Low-Code BPM Platform

5. Business Process Guidelines: Comidor platform gives you the ability to view the end-users’ simple interface and get informed about the actions needed to be taken.

Click on Business Process Guidelines tab and you will see the following:Workflow Business process guidelines| Comidor Platform

  • a flowchart with the start and end points, stage and description (work practices) of every work practice of the workflowWorkflow Business process guidelines| Comidor Platform
  • linked process policies to the workflow
  • linked process controls to the workflow
  • linked process SPP to the workflow

To display the start and end points, stage, and description per workflow stage, go to the design, click edit on the respective element (e.g. task), and add the respective information. (those three fields are by default hidden, choose “Show more options”: Yes to view them)

Workflow Business process guidelines| Comidor Platform6. Link your workflow design with:

  • Controls
  • Policies
  • SSP

Click on the respective tab, then on the “+” icon, and select from the existing list of Controls, Policies, and SPP records.

See how to create new Controls, Policies, and SPP.

7. Click on the Design tab or Design preview “edit” button to start creating the workflow.

With Comidor BPMN 2.0 designer, you can map and optimize any process that takes place in your company. See step-by-step all elements in the Workflow Designer.

8. User fields can be used to add custom fields, which can then be included in a user form that will be attached later in the workflow stage.  User forms can be used to add a custom form,  where you can drag-and-drop system or custom fields and then attach it in a workflow stage (activities: tasks or subprocesses). Also, you can apply Field Rules to show or hide certain fields in forms, based on rules you set.
Learn more at User Fields and User Forms.


Workflow Analytics

Navigate to each Workflow in the Analytics tab, to get insights on each Workflow usage.

  • Set Analytics Filters to get the results you wish.
    • Choose between Total or Delayed Tasks to be displayed.
    • Monitor the Duration and Cost of each step.
    • Narrow your results to tasks that were assigned to a specific user or group.
    • Select the period of time you are interested in.
    • Click on Refresh.
  • Pinpoint the total and delayed instances and tasks that were created within one workflow. Cost is calculated based on the duration of each task multiplied by the cost rate of the user that completes each task. See more in the Services unit.

workflow analytics | Comidor Platform

  • See your results in a table view, graph, or pie chart. All types of graphs are printable and downloadable.

workflow analytics | Comidor Platform

  • View workflow analytics with the “Delayed Task” Filter to measure the scheduled time and the actual time it took for a task to be completed. This feature enables users to identify bottlenecks.

workflow analytics | Comidor Platform

  • View workflow analytics with the “Total Task” Filter to measure how many times every task is executed in total. This will identify your “critical path”, your process “optimal path” and ultimately help identify where the focus should be for better resource management.


Workflow Change Tracking

Comidor platform gives you the ability to track and monitor the changes that are incorporated into any workflow.

You can track changes applied in specific tasks of the workflow as well as compare different versions of the same workflow.

Audit Trail Log

  1. Access a workflow you would like to modify from unit Workflow Designs.
  2. The necessary changes can be applied in Design. For example, change the name of a task’s title.
  3. Once you have saved all changes, select Update Log so as to see who applied the change, when as well as the old and new values of the updated field.

Workflow update log | Comidor Platform

Workflow version comparison

Comidor users are able to compare the different versions of a workflow.

Workflow compare versions | Comidor Platform

    • From the “Actions” button, select Compare Versions so as to choose the versions you would like to compare.

Workflow compare versions | Comidor Platform

    • Insert the numbers of the versions you would like to compare and then click Ok.
    • A new tab with the workflow information appears. This includes the two workflow designs as well as a description of all applied changes. New elements are given in green, deleted elements in red, and changes in existing elements in orange.Workflow compare versions | Comidor Platform

Click here to view some Workflow Examples.
