products and services v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Products and Services

Products and Services 789 592 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Products & Services are billable resources that can be used in projects to identify costs and revenues related to that project. (Software, Hardware, Travel Expenses, etc.). These Products & Services can be used in Project Resource Budgeting.

Products & Services can have different costs and sales rates. When creating a job title a product or service can be linked with that job title. When a job title is assigned to a user it gives the user a billable product or service. And if the user is assigned to a billable project it can track the cost and revenue generated by that user.

Add a new Product or Service

Go to:

  1. Company Setup > Data Management > Products & Services
  2. Click on the + Icon to create a new Product or Service
  3. Add a Code and a short Description then assign a Category from the List. Examples of Categories may be HW/SW, Labour, etc
  4. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)New product-service V6.2 | Comidor Platform

Edit and Manage a Product or Service

edit product V6.2 | Comidor Platform

Go to:

  1. Company Setup > Data Management > Products & Services
  2. Click on a Product & Service from the List view
    • Click on the Pencil Icon to edit
    • Amend details e.g. Code, Description, Category
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)
  3. Click on the Actions Icon to perform the following:
    • Delete to delete the specific product or service
    • Print current Product & Service details. A new tab will open in your browser where you should follow the relevant printing procedure
    • Link a Product or Service with another Comidor entity, e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
    • Notify-send Notes-Notification to specific Comidor groups, Comidor users or external recipients via email (provided that you have already connected your email in the system) about this Product or Service
    • Click on Tags to add a new Tag to the Product & Service e.g. private, group, internal or public. You can also manage previously added tags. Adding Tags to Product & Services will assist with grouping, filtering and finding them
    • Click on Links to add a new Link between this Product & Service and any other Comidor entity e.g. a Project, an Event, a Job Title, etc
  4. Click on the Cost tab to perform the following:
    • Click on the + Icon to start adding Costs on a Product & Service
      • Specify the Company where this Cost will be applied. Specify the Start and End dates. Specify the start and end dates if the cost will change at a later date (e.g. the cost of a billable service may increase in the next financial year). Enter the actual Cost and Billing currency (which can be applied automatically from the Company). Continue by adding the additional Costs such as Overtime, Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday Costs as required. Finally, the Billing system (per hour or per use) should be defined
      • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)
    • To edit a Product & Service Cost, click on it to expand the details
      • Click the pencil button and make any changes you wish
      • Save – the Product or Service Cost will be saved. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the procedure.Cost - products& services v.6.2| Comidor Platform
  5. Click on Sales Rates on the left side of the screen to perform the following:
    • Click on the + Icon to add a Sales Rate to a Product or Service
      • Specify the Company where this Sales Rate will be applied. You can assign a related Project and/or Account, specify the Start and End dates and then the actual Price and Currency (which can be automatically applied from Company). The Billing system (per hour or per use) should also be defined
      • Finally, click the checkbox Intercompany Price (Sales Rate) which will be used in Resources Budgeting of Projects.
      • Click on Save to save the new Sales Rate of Product & Service or on Save and New to save this and start creating another one. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the procedure
    • To edit a Product & Service Sales Rate, just click on it to expand the details
      • Then, press the pencil button and make any change
      • Click Save. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the procedure.
    • Tick the Product & Service Sales rate you want to delete – a delete box will appear below the tick box

Sales Rate - products& services v.6.2| Comidor Platform

6. Click on Assign Responsible Person on the left side of the screen to perform the following:

  • Click on the + Icon to assign a responsible person to a Product or Service
      • Choose the Person who will be responsible for a specific service
      • Specify the Company and the division where this Responsible Person will be assigned
      • Click on Save to save the new Responsible Person of the Service or on Save and New to save this and start creating another one. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the procedure
  • To edit a Service Responsible Person, just click on it to expand the details
      • Then, press the pencil button and make any change
      • Click Save. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the procedure.
      • Tick the Service Responsible Person you want to delete – a delete box will appear below the tick box

assign resp. person Products& Services V6.2 | Comidor Platform


Manage Multiple Products & Services

Go to:

  1. Company Setup > Data Management > Products & Services
  2. Click on the Actions Icon to Export or Print the Products & Services added to Comidor

Before exporting or printing be aware that the current view might be filtered or the result of a search.
