PERSONNEL featured | Comidor Platform

Personnel (HR Automation)

Personnel (HR Automation) 789 592 Marketing Team

People Management helps every business organize their staff. It also automates the whole recruiting process. All Personnel records can be categorized based on pre-defined or customized characteristics and linked with their CV and any other relevant documents.

When viewing specific Personnel you can view their Personnel Schedule and basic Entitlement, which are based on the specific Region Code of Personnel. Region Codes are set in Regional Settings by System Administrators.

Skills of each individual can be added either manually or via the person’s Job Title assignment. You can search for personnel by specific skills to assist with Project Management and other business decisions.

Absences can also be managed via the Personnel unit.

Edit an Existing User as Personnel

  1. Go to Packages > HR Automation > Personnel.
  2. Click on an existing person. Users that have been previously added already have a Personnel record
  3. To edit click on the Pencil Icon
  4. Fill in the Basic Info fields:
    • First/Last Name: Personnel full name
    • Job Title, Job Activity, Job Group, Service: The Job Title list will bring also related Job Activity, Job group, and Service fields. Service holds the pre-defined Sales Rates and Costs for that specific Job Title. Job Title holds the pre-defined Job Activity, Job group, and Service if any. Service may be a different one.
    • Account & Category: These will be the related Account and Account’s Category that may be associated with the Personnel (where a type of Personnel is Customer, Partner, Contractor, etc.)
    • Branch, Office, Department: Free text fields that refer to the location information of Personnel within the Organization
    • Division: The existing Division that the person is a member of. The Division the person is in plays an important role in choosing the default timezone for the person and helping in Project Management (Project creator division is important in terms of Expenses – division’s currency – calculations)
    • Contractual Location & Location: The existing office that the person will be contracted with and the actual location that they will work in
    • Specialty & Education: You can select from a list for these fields or add new options
    • Region Code: The Regional Settings which will be applied will give a standard Schedule (working hours and public holidays setup) and a maximum Entitlement (Absence types entitlement) for this person
    • Resource Manager & Manager: A person can have a resource manage and a line manager. See the scenarios below:
      • Whether a person will participate in a Project, by approving the Project’s booking request (Resource Manager)
      • Whether a person will take an Absence in a specific date range (Manager)
      • A general application or request made by a person (Manager)
      • Tasks performed by a person (Manager)

If a person’s Resource Manager field is left blank their line manager will be responsible for approving their participation in a Project.


Basic info - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

  1. Complete the Contact info and Personal Details:
    • Phone, Email, and Website
    • Address, City, County, Postcode, Country
    • Date of birth, Interests, Social Media accounts
  2. Fill in the Employment/Working assignment information:
    • Adjusted hire date can be used to note the date an offer was accepted by the person for example and the contract start date is the date the person starts working; these will play an important role in conditional entitlements
    • Withdrawal Date, Contract end datesEmployment working assignment - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform
  3. Picture: Click to upload an image or delete a previously uploaded image
  4. Select the Save button or cancel

Manage Personnel

  1. Go to Packages > HR Automation > Personnel
  2. Click on a person you wish to manage
  3. On Summary – you will see Personnel Basic Info, Contact, and Organizational/Working details. For example, view the length of service for an Active Person. Vacation, Sickness Entitlements and Days taken are also viewable. Attachments can be uploaded directly from your Desktop or attach a File URL. Click on a file that has been uploaded to Open it (downloading and previewing of current and previous versions are available). You can rename or delete any file.

Manage personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

  1. Click on Form Answers to see all responses or complete a new response in a Survey that has been created
    • Select the survey, the editor from the user’s drop-down menu and the access rights of the response i.e. private, public, internalform answers v.6.2| Comidor Platform
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)new survey - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform
  2. Click on the Comment Icon to make a comment about a specific person. Users with access to the personnel record will receive a Notification. Comments can be added using the simple or enriched HTML Editor (Open editor). Users can click on refresh to see new comments or click on show more or show less as requiredoptions personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform
  3. Click on Tags to add a new Tag to the person and you can also mark the tag as a private, group, internal or public. You can also manage existing tags. Adding tags to Personnel will help in the grouping, filtering and finding them. Saved filters and tags of grouped Personnel will assist with sending group emails to them
  4. Click on Links to add a new Link between the person and another object e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
  5. Click on the Actions Icon of Personnel to:
    • Delete – to delete the person. A pop-up confirmation box appears
    • Print – to print the current Personnel View (Summary, Schedule, Absences, etc)
    • Notify – to send a Notification to specific groups, users or external recipients via email ( if you have connected your email in the system)
    • Link with – to add a new Link between the person and another object e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
    • Merge Contact, to merge the person with another Contact
    • Convert to candidate – to convert a person back to a candidate

actions icon - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Schedule of Personnel

Click on the Schedule tab of Personnel in order to:

  • Check the Working Schedule that has been automatically added to Personnel, provided that Regional Settings have been applied to them on “Region Code” when creating a person. You can click on the previous year(s) to check the Work hours Schedule(s)
  • Click on the Pencil Icon to adjust the Working Schedule and save itschedule Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

You can prepare the Schedule for a person up to a year in advance from the Actions Icon by selecting Copy Schedule. In the pop-up window choose which year you want to copy the schedule and press Save. Previously created schedules can be found in the Schedule tab of Personnel. Copy Schedule for each person is available from the Personnel unit’s Actions Icon.

Skills of Personnel

  • Click on the Summary tab to navigate to the “Job Title” field and add for this person the Skills that have been associated with that Job Title. Click on the [Add Skills] option to do this
  • Press the Skills tab of Personnel in order to
    • Check Skills that have been added automatically that are associated with the person’s Job Title
    • Click on a Skill and then click the Pencil Icon
      • Adjust the information, such as Skill, Grade, Certification, Certification Date, Certification Authority. You can upload certification document and add a short description
      • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

skills - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

You can multi-check Skills from a person’s skills to delete them.

Absences and Entitlement of Personnel

  1. Go to Packages > HR Automation > Personnel
  2. Click on a person to check their Absences or set up their Entitlement
  3. Click on the Entitlements created tab of Personnel in order to check any added Entitlement(s) for this person
    • The first time you edit a new person you will see that no entitlement has been created. To set this up:
      • Go to Packages > HR Automation >  Personnel, click on the Absence Management option and select Entitlement Setup in the Unit Title barabsence management v.6.2| Comidor Platform
      • In Entitlement Setup, select Functional Group, Division, and Group in the Organizational Chart to see Personnel that is/are a member(s). If you know the name of the person you need to create Entitlement for you can use the search function. Then click display results
      • In the Table below you will see:

A. Previous Year Entitlement for Absences type “Sickness”
B. Previous Year Entitlement for Absences type “Vacancy”
C. Previous Year Remaining Days from Entitlement of Absences of type “Vacancy”
D. Standard Entitlement for Absences type “Vacancy” for current Year
E. Calculated Entitlement that sums up Previous Year Remaining Days (C) + Standard Entitlement for this Year (D)

The calculated entitlement number will be added to the person when the Create Entitlement button is clicked.

To see data in the Entitlement Setup table, you first need to create the Regional Settings Schedule for a Region and then have applied that “Region Code” to the Person. Also, the Contract Start Date is needed.

create entitlement v.6.2| Comidor Platform

    • When you next view a person, you will see that entitlements have been set for them. At this point, you can:
      • Add extra Entitlement for this person. Click on the + Icon, type the number of days, select the Entitlement type (Basic setup, Credit, Overtime, Sickness) and add a description. Add the valid from date, decide whether this Entitlement can be used on Carry Over and click the checkbox. Click on Save or Save and New to proceed.
      • Alternatively, you can select and delete the Entitlements

entitlement v.6.2| Comidor Platform

  1. Click on Absences in the left panel to check Absences for the person. You will see all approved absences by Leave type with information about their duration and scheduling

Manage multiple Personnel

You can check or manage multiple Personnel at the same time.

  1. Go to Packages > HR Automation > Personnel
  2. Select multiple Personnel and perform the following actions:Manage multiple Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform
    • Delete: to delete. A confirmation box will appear
    • Link with: to add a new Link between this Personnel and any other Comidor object e.g. a Project, an Event, etc
    • Tag: add or apply multiple Tags to selected Personnel. Tags can be marked as a private, group, or internal. Press OK to proceed
    • Email a Survey: send a previously created Survey to the person(s) email (note: you will need access to this feature to perform this action)
      1. Select the Sender Email Address from the email addresses you have connected to your account
      2. Add the sender name that will be viewed in the sent e-mail
      3. Choose the previously created Survey from the list
      4. Supervisor, Admin 1 & 2 are automatically taken from the Survey-Process
      5. Put the Subject that will be shown in the Subject line of the Email
      6. Load a specific <Email Template> from your Mailbox or write your message in the <HTML Editor>
      7. Finally, click on Send to send the Email with the Survey
    • Change Status: Change Personnel Status e.g. active, inactive, retired, etc
    • Copy Schedule: Copy a previously defined Personnel Schedule to a future year
  1. Choose to view specific Personnel and click on the Actions Icon to:
    • Export: to export either all Personnel or the current page you are viewing in a .xls file
    • Print: to print the current page with Personnel you are viewing. A new tab will open in your browser. Please, follow the browser’s printing procedure
    • Skills Per Person
    • Overtime to Holidays
    • Copy Schedule for every Personnelactions tab - more options Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Multiple Personnel Skills

You can manage or search for Personnel based on their Skills.

Go to Packages > HR Automation > Personnel.

Search by Skills

  1. Click the Search by skills option to search and find specific Personnel, based on Personnel Name, Title, and other advanced criteria
  2. On the left side there is an advanced criteria panel in which you can:
    • Search Personnel based on the Name or Service
    • Select Functional Group that Personnel is/are a member of
    • Division that Personnel is/are member(s) of
    • Choose to view Users only
    • Select a Period (From-To) to identify Personnel that have not been booked
    • Select a specific Service and/or Job Title from the list
    • Specify the Cost Min and Max of this person or Job Title and also choose whether this Cost is External or Internal.
    • Select Status of Personnel
    • Click on the + Icon to add a desired skill. A pop-up appears where you can fill in the previously added skill, the minimum grade and any certification with its authority (if any). Click on Save to proceed. You can continue adding different skills and combine them to find a specific resource to use

Search by skills - Personnel v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Results are displayed on the right side of the screen. Choose to see the results in a different Order (by Name, Cost-Ext, Cost-Int), ascending or descending. You can Quickly add a Task to that specific person.
