Payment Instructions | Upgrade

Payment Instructions | Upgrade 789 592 Comidor Team

How to Upgrade to Another Comidor Plan and Make a Payment!

Comidor provides a straightforward process for upgrading your trial account. Follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the profile circle icon at the top right of your screen and then go to the “My Account” option, or directly on the “Upgrade” button in the top right corner. Please, note that the Upgrade button is available only on Trial accounts. For renewals, or purchase of additional user licenses and/or professional services, follow the procedure through the “My Account”. upgrade my plan instructions 1
  2. Click on the “Buy User Licenses and Services” button. upgrade my plan instructions 2
  3. A pop-up window will appear. On the first screen, choose between yearly or monthly payment. Note that selecting yearly billing saves you 20%. Select your preferred currency (USD or EUR). The prices for user licenses will adjust accordingly. If selecting monthly billing, a new field will appear to add the number of months for which you want to purchase the user licenses. On the right side of the pop-up window, review the summary of your choices. Click “Proceed” to go to the next step, Professional Services.upgrade my plan instructions 3upgrade my plan instructions 4
  4. Here, you can add any professional services you wish. The number refers to the desired hours for each service.upgrade my plan instructions 5
  5. Move to the Payment step. Fill in your personal and business details on the left, including email, VAT number, and company address, and select your country. The company name is pre-filled based on the details you added during the trial registration. If you want to clear all data from the trial account(pre-existing data, as well as the data you have entered), check the checkbox. Once details are added, view the total summary on the right side. Choose “PayPal” to pay through your PayPal account or click “Debit or Credit Card” to pay using card information. Note that that we use PayPal also for credit card payments, which means we do not keep or use in any way your card information.
  6. After completing the payment, the pop-up window will close. If you close the window before completing the purchase, a warning message will appear.upgrade my plan instructions 6
  7. Upon receiving your payment, we will upgrade your account to premium and send you an email with your credentials to log in to your new account. In “My Account,” you will see the updated number of user licenses.upgrade my plan instructions 9

Important note

Please make sure you have configured your website to allow pop-up windows.

Example of Google Chrome
