Getting started with Comidor units

Getting Started with Comidor Units (Data Management)

Getting Started with Comidor Units (Data Management) 789 592 Comidor Team

Getting Started with Comidor Units

Comidor User Interface offers maximum flexibility in terms of data management in Comidor Units and safeguards enterprise information. Comidor search function in each unit provides a powerful method of searching for data. Apply Comidor’s advanced filtering options and search for a simple record or records with specific criteria and export or print the results easily.

Comidor is designed in a comprehensive way for any user. Menus, Filters, Icons, Buttons, and Lists all are designed and arranged in a way that allows the users to focus on their tasks and priorities rather than spending their valuable time trying to navigate the system. Comidor also provides Business Intelligence tools such as Data Visualization and Reporting Tools.

In all table Comidor Units, users view the following functionalities:

  1. Click on the + icon to create a new record (i.e. a new Project, Task, Process, etc.)
  2. Click on the Actions icon to view a list of extra functions such as printing, exporting, reporting, notifying, etc. The actions that are offered in each Unit vary.
  3. The search field provides a dedicated search to the object currently being viewed and with the Advanced search users apply multiple criteria for a complex search. The users click on the refresh icon to update the results or on the edit button to create their own advanced search and save it for later use.
  4. Show or hide the views, filters, and groups by clicking the Categories icon.
  5. Switch the View type from Table to Report, and get a graphical presentation of your data. Choose your preferred Graph type between Pie, Stack, or Column. Print or download your graphs in various formats (PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG vector).
  6. Through Comidor predefined Filters, the users customize a search based on the Period, State, Access, or Tag that they are interested in. Click on the “O” icon to clear all filters.
  7. The folders section on the left side gives table results by changing criteria that are indexed in records. The users can create their own categorization (folders) by clicking the Pencil and Paper Icon.

data management tables | Comidor Platform

Table View is the default view of Comidor Units and it consists of the following elements:

  1. The Records table gives the list of results that reflect to the searching, filtering, categorization, and pagination selections. Each record of the table has a checkbox that enables a range of actions. The users select the record(s) they wish and the desired action to execute. The available checkbox actions are unit-specific.
  2. Pagination gives the users the option to define the number of records per page and move around pages. Pre-defined number of records is set in User Settings.
  3. The Pin button allows the users to select or deselect the type of information that is shown in each table.
  4. Columns are flexible (sorting, width-fixing, hide/show).

comidor units tables | Comidor PlatformCreate/Edit/View – simple Record Interface:

Click on the + icon to create a new record in the relevant Comidor Unit (i.e. a new Task).

  1. Record Title
  2. Record Fields: Add (or edit) the details of the record.
  3. Record Summary and other tabs: In the Summary/Details tab all critical information of a Record is available to view.
  4. Relations: Here you find tabs with subtables (eg Subprocesses, Subtasks, etc.) and related data to the current record. Each Comidor Unit might have different relations.
  5. Ownership information: Supervisor and Administrators of the Record and the Record creation and last update information; get informed on the users and the date-time of the first and the last action that occurred in this record.
  6. State Status: Set the state status of this record.
  7. Edit Record: Click on the pencil button and get redirected to the edit form of the record. Change or add new information to the record. Click on Actions Button to: Refresh the record, Delete the record, Copy the record, Set up Reminders/Notifications, etc..
  8. Click on the Comments icon to view existing comments in this record, and add your own comments. All users that have access to this record receive an automated notification to their notification bar.
  9. Minimize/Maximize or Close this record and return to the respective table.

comidor units record | Comidor Platform

  • In process records, under Relations users also :
    • Monitor the real-time progress of the workflow steps in Workflow Tasks if a process is linked to a workflow. Also, view all elements that have run in the workflow (tasks, emails, gateways, etc.) in the Workflow Audit tab.
    • Add manual Tasks in a process record, through the Related Tasks tab.
    • Add Files or Relate Files, in the Attachments tab.

comidor units record | Comidor Platform
