Comidor offers an easy way of creating your own desktop with Comidor Desktop units.
My desktop
- Create your own customised desktop based on your everyday needs.
- Create tiles and gather your most-used apps and units in one place.
- Access units or initiate apps with one click.
- Manage access to every tile by using user access rights.
In order to access My Desktop, go to the left side menu >Main Apps > User Desktop > My Desktop.
You can also pin My Desktop unit in the active units bar, for easier access. Go to User Settings> Settings and tick the My Desktop. After saving the changes, every time you log in to Comidor, My Desktop will be your default opening unit.
Desktop units
In order to access the Desktop units, go to Modules Menu Icon >User Desktop > Desktop units
Create Desktop Units
In the new tab that opens, click on the “+” button, to create a new Desktop Unit.
- Give a title to your Desktop Unit. Anything you type in this field will be displayed in the respective tile in the unit My Desktop.
- If you wish to give access to a Unit of Comidor, e.g. unit Tasks, Processes, Absence Management, etc, type the respective database name of this Unit in the field Name.
- The message that you type in the Description, will be displayed inside the tile in the unit My Desktop below the title.
- Determine the position of your tiles.
- Type 1 for the first in the row, 2 for the second, etc)
- Specify the size of your tile.
- You can enter the value ‘1’ for a small block, the value ‘2’ for a medium block, the value ‘3’ for a large block or the exact width of pixels you’d like your block to have.
- You can also define the colour of each tile.
- Each tile can be visible to Everyone, one or more groups from the organizational chart, or dedicated users. Select the preferred option in the Access Code.
- Furthermore, you are able to trigger an Application with the On Click Function.
- Trigger the quick add form of an application, or the initiation of a process, task, absence request, etc.
- You can either trigger a quick add form(on-click function) or access to a unit (Name field)
- Finally, click on the preferred save options.
Manage Desktop Units
In order to access the Desktop units, go to Modules Menu Icon >User Desktop > Desktop units.
In the new tab that opens, click on the Desktop Unit that you want to modify.
- Click on the pencil icon, make any changes you wish and then click on Save.
- By clicking on the actions button, you can delete the record, print it, link it with another comidor entity, notify users.
Manage multiple Desktop Units
In the table Desktop Units, you can select one or more records, and apply actions. In particular, you can multi-delete records or link them with other comidor entities.
Furthermore, you can also apply more advanced settings to the layout of My Desktop.
- Those settings apply to all users.
- In order to access the Desktop units, go to Modules Menu Icon >User Desktop > Desktop units.
- In the new tab that opens, click on actions button> Change Settings
- Click on the pencil button to add the settings
- Select a background image
- Add an Html code
- Add scripts to enhance the functionality of My Desktop