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No-Code / Low-Code App Builder

No-Code / Low-Code App Builder 789 592 Comidor team

Comidor platform offers you the ability to build your own table apps through Low-Code App Builder, without using coding. Making simple or more complicated Apps is easier than ever, even for non-developer users. Comidor guides you with simple steps, in order to publish your idea.

Through App builder you can design the following app types:

  1. Table applications
    1. Process enabled
    2. Non-process enabled apps (Data driven)
  2. Report applications
  3. Kanban applications

Table Application

There are two types of table applications:

  • Process enabled: Choose this type when you want to monitor process-enabled records, with scheduling, state, workflow steps, completion, etc.
  • Non-process enabled: Choose this type of table application when you want to create a table of data-driven records. No workflows can be related to this type.

App summary table | Comidor Platform

Users can apply the following actions in table applications:

  • Access the table (access rights are specified by the designer)
  • Print or export the table results
  • Apply filters, categorize and search within each table
  • Access, edit, or delete each record
  • View records in table or graph views
  • In the graph view, pie, bar, or stack charts can be easily created with real-time data and the desired filtering.

Create Apps

In order to access the Comidor No-Code App Builder go to the main menu on the left side of your screen and select the icon App Factory > Application Builder > App Builder.

App builder | Comidor Platform


In the new tab that opens, click on the “+” icon to open the creation form. In the creation form you can see 10 steps:

1. Basic Info

  • In the Application Type select Table Application.
  • Start typing a name for the Entity you are creating in the database.
    • You can check if this is an Existing Entity and choose from existing Units or other Apps
  • Give the Application Name and Description
  • You can also make this App Process enabled, by clicking on the respective checkbox. By doing so, you are able to link a Workflow to your App in step 6.
  • Access Rights is the field where you determine which users will be able to see the application in the User Apps menu.
  • You can lock your app by checking on the Locked option. With this option, only the user that locks the app will be able to edit the app (in all steps). All the rest users will just be able to view the app, but can not edit it.

App Builder lock | Comidor Platform

  • By checking the Has customizations option, the application will not be exportable.
  • Put a flag to remember if this application
  • Block from mobile option disables this application to be used on mobile.
  • Click on Save to Save this App. (Check Quick Reference Guide for saving options). After saving, you will be re-directed to Applications and you can click on the new App you have just created to move to step 2.

App builder | Comidor Platform

2. Data Model

In the Data Model, you can add all fields that you want to be used in the App. You can either click on the “+” to create your own custom fields from scratch or import an Excel/CSV file.

App builder | Comidor Platform

Note that, if you have selected this app to be process enabled, you can also use all process-related fields in the forms (step 4). If you left the option “is Process enabled” unchecked, you can only use the fields displayed in the Data model.

After adding all the fields you need, click on the top right of the screen “Next: Table” button, to move on to step 3. In the pop-up window that will appear, click Yes in order to reload the database so as for the new fields to be added.

3. Table

In step 3, you can determine which columns you wish your App to have in the main table. By default, all fields that were added to the Data Model will be displayed in this table. You can add more Columns, by clicking on the “+” icon and selecting the desired field.

App builder | Comidor Platform

  • You can select one or more columns and delete them from Table Columns if you wish.
  • Furthermore, you can drag-and-drop the Table Columns, in order to re-arrange their position in the Table.
  • Click on the edit button to make any changes you need to each column
    • Add label
    • Prefix or Suffix to be displayed before or after the value of each entry
    • Select the preferred alignment
    • Define the preferred width in percentage to be displayed as default in the summary table
    • Other options like set as Not sortable and Hidden are available too

Click on the “Next: Forms” to continue with step 4.

4. Forms

In this step, you can see all the forms involved in this App. You can easily create a new form, by clicking on the “+” icon. You can follow the instructions on how to create forms in User Forms.App builder | Comidor Platform

  • If you link a workflow to this App, all forms included in this workflow will be also visible at this step.
  • You can also make a form Main, which means it will be visible in the left-side menu as a tab. State the position of each form that you want to display.
  • For the form, you want to start the App with, select the option “Replace existing form” in the field Primary, if you wish to initiate your app from the “+” icon of the summary table of the App.
  • In the Quick field, you can choose the form to be visible in the quick add menu or in the process templates list, if you wish to initiate your app from the Quick add menu.
  • Design your form easily; drag-and-drop fields and group them with Sections. Don’t forget to Publish your form after finishing your design.

You can select one or more forms and delete them from Table Forms if you wish.

Click on “Next: Tabs” to move to step 5.

5. Widgets

Comidor Widgets are the ideal choice for data visualization. Get the most updated data on the visualization format you define.

  • Create your own personalized dashboard in seconds.
  • Combine multiple views of data to get richer insight.

You can easily create a new Widget, by clicking on the “+” icon.

App builder widgets | Comidor Platform

Find out more about all types of Widgets and how to create them.

App builder | Comidor Platform

6. Tabs

Get the most out of the Comidor No-Code App Builder with this new 6th step. Use tabs to have complete control over the accessibility of your application.

  • The tabs appear inside records (as a tab at the left part of the record) or at the summary table of the application.
  • A tab can be a table from any Comidor entity, HTML, or widget.

App builder | Comidor Platform

  • You can easily create a new Tab, by clicking on the “+” icon
  • The Record type is by default the name of the App and disabled
  • Select the Type of Tab you wish to create (Table, HTML, or Widget)
    • In Type Table:
      • Give a Title to the Tab
      • In the Data Type choose Data record
      • Select Query: the query to define which fields to be fetched as columns from which tables
      • Where Clause: type a specific condition to be met
      • Access Code defines who can access this tab
    • Select Type HTML when you want to add guidelines or other important information for a specific app:
      • Give a Title to the Tab
      • In the Data Type choose Data record or Data set
      • Access Code defines who can access this tab
      • Unit-action – insert the HTML here

App builder tabs | Comidor Platform

    • Type Widget: a tab to monitor all the widgets (general or application widgets)
      • Give a Title of the Tab
      • In the Data Type choose Data record or Data set
      • Access Code defines who can access this tab
      • After saving this tab, click on Add widget button to Select the widget you would like to be display
      • All added widgets will be displayed on Linked widgets. You can click on the ‘-‘ to remove a widget form this tab.

7. Workflow

You are able to link a workflow to the App at this step. The workflow will be triggered with every entry a user creates in this app. Workflow relates tasks, run diagram, and workflow audit will be visible there too, in order for the users to get real-time information about the workflow stage.

Step 7, is only available if you had checked is Process Enabled, in step 1.

App builder workflow | Comidor Platform

  • You can select an existing workflow to attach to your App. Click on the respective button and select from the list of Workflow designs the one you wish.

App builder workflow | Comidor Platform

  • Then, you will be able to see a preview of the selected workflow design.
  • If you wish to perform any changes to the workflow design, just click on Edit Workflow and you will be re-directed to another tab with the design. There you can apply any change and the workflow will be automatically updated in the App as well.

For more information on how to create Workflow go to Workflows and Workflow Automation.

App builder | Comidor Platform

  • At any point, you can click on the “Change Workflow” button, at the top left of the screen, to select another one from existing workflows.
  • Click on the “Next: Event Scripts” button on the top right, to move to the next step.

8. Event Scripts

In this step, you are able to write scripts for a certain Data Type to be executed before/after/on a specific event.

Click on the “+” icon to create a new Event script:

  • Add the Procedure Name.
  • Choose the Data Type (apprec, task, process, dataset) and define where you want the script to be applied.
  • An Event Type can be inserted, updated, deleted, etc.
  • In the Procedure Body add your code.
    •  This is for advanced users to write their procedures.

App builder | Comidor Platform

9. Overview

In this step, you can make the configuration of the Application.

  • Decide what you would like to include from the Basic options
    • Notes, Tags, and Links
    • The ability to create, edit and/or delete an entry
    • Decide if you want to have the print/export options in the summary table of this app
  • Customise your data by:
    • Setting a Prefix and Suffix to the app and an Incremental No Field; select a number field from Data Model for which you want to auto-populate a number. eg. for this app the requests will get SR.1, SR.2, etc.
    • Defining a Primary Field (Record Identity: Appears in lists, etc). From the drop-down list, choose one of the fields you created in step 2 (Data Model).
    • Selecting a default categorization for the table view based on a specific field (Title, Priority, etc.)
    • Choosing a specific field to display the Summary table ordered by ascending or descending order.
    • Defining to whom each entry is assigned, send notifications, Admin 1,2, and Supervisor. Choose users, groups, or dynamic options such as Creator, creator’s manager, etc.

App builder | Comidor Platform

  • Setting up to 3 numeric fields, to be displayed in the table as Totals (Sum field 1, 2, 3).
  • For Process-enabled apps with workflow, you can set the app to Automatically start the process, which means the state of the app will be set to running and the workflow will start as well.
  • You can fully customise the app layout, by selecting font sizes and colors in CSS Design options.

When you have finished the configuration step, click on the “Next: Publish” button on the top right, to move on to step 10.

10. Publish

In the final step, click on the Publish button in order to Publish your app.

Your app is ready to use!

Note that you can also create an Application with NLP in just 4 steps. Find out more here.

Edit Apps

If you want to edit an existing User App, go to the menu on the left side of your screen > App Factory > Application Builder > App Builder. From the list of the Applications, select the one you wish to edit.

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  • You can navigate through steps 1-9 by clicking on the respective step and apply any change you wish. Do not forget to go to step 10, to publish your changes.

You can delete one or more User Apps if you wish. Go to the Quick Add menu on the left side of your screen and select the last icon App Factory, select one or more User Apps and click on Delete.

Run Apps

In order to view the User Apps, go to the menu on the left side of your screen, and select the Custom Apps Icon. A list of all the published apps will be displayed here. Select the one you wish to access and it will open in a new tab.

Run App builder | Comidor Platform

By clicking on the “+” icon you can create a new entry of this app. (In order to see the “+” icon, you should have checked first the respective option in the Overview step of App builder). A new tab will open with the form that was created in the App Builder. Fill in the fields and click on Save to add this entry.Run App builder | Comidor Platform

If the App is process enabled and linked with a workflow it will have State (Opened, Scheduled, Running, etc.) and also some more Tabs in the left-side menu, such as Workflow tasks, attachments, and workflow audit based on the configuration of the App in the App Builder.

Run App builder | Comidor Platform

If you have selected the primary form of the app to be also visible in the quick add menu, you can easily initiate this App, from quick add and by clicking on the name of this form.

Import/Export Apps

Comidor provides you the functionality to Import and Export User applications that are created in the No-Code App Builder.

1. Export

You can export an application by visiting the App Builder table and select the application you want to export.

In the actions button, by clicking on “Export Application” a .xml file is going to be downloaded.

App builder | Comidor Platform

This file will be used in importing steps to other accounts.

2. Copy

You can make a copy of an application by visiting the App Builder table and select the application you want to export.

App builder | Comidor Platform

In the actions button, click on the option Copy, and in the pop-up type the Title of the copied app.

App builder | Comidor Platform

3. Import

In order to Import an application, you have to navigate to the App Builder unit.

  • Click on the burger button and select “Import Comidor Application document

App builder | Comidor Platform

  • Choose the respective .xml file for the application you want to import and click on Save.

App builder | Comidor Platform


You can correlate the involved parties, by typing their name or choose from the pre-defined options in the drop-down list. The group mapping is available for:

  • Groups
  • Users
  • Roles

After that, you have to reload the Database, by clicking on the “Reload DB required” red button on the bottom right corner of your screen.

App builder | Comidor Platform

If the Database is reloaded, go to the App Builder and publish the imported application.

Your app is ready to use!

Report Application

Comidor platform offers the ability to build easily your own Report applications through the No-Code/Low-Code App Builder. Simply follow 3 steps, as presented below.

In order to access App Builder go to the main menu on the left side of your screen and select the icon App Factory > Application Builder > App Builder.

In the new tab that opens, click on the “+” icon to open the creation form. In the creation form you can see 9 steps:

1. Basic Info

  • In the Application Type select Report application.
  • Select the Entity you wish to create the report for.
    • You can choose among the default Comidor units (Processes, Accounts, Tasks, etc.) or a custom table application that was already created.
  • Give the Application Name.
  • Access Rights is the field where you determine which users will be able to see the application in the User Apps menu.
  • You can lock your app by checking on the Locked option.
  • By checking the Has customizations option, the application will not be exportable.
  • Put a flag to remember if this application
  • Block from mobile option disables this application to be used on mobile.
  • Click on Save to Save this App. (Check Quick Reference Guide for saving options). After saving, you will be re-directed to Applications and you can click on the new App you have just created to move to step 3.

Report App builder | Comidor Platform

2. Table

In this step, you can determine which columns you wish your App to have in the report table and which filters should be included. Simply add Columns, by clicking on the “+” icon and selecting the desired field. The column list will display all fields related to the Entity that was selected in Basic info.

Report App builder | Comidor Platform

  • Check the option Is filter if you wish this field to be included in the report’s filters.
    • If you want one field to be displayed both as a column of the report and as a filter, make sure to add it twice.
  • You can select one or more columns and delete them from Table Columns if you wish.
  • Furthermore, you can drag-and-drop the Columns, in order to re-arrange their position in the Table.
  • Click on the edit button to make any changes you wish to each column
    • Add label
    • Prefix or Suffix to be displayed before or after the value of each entry
    • Select the preferred alignment
    • Define the preferred width in percentage to be displayed as default in the summary table
    • Other options like set as Not sortable and Hidden are available too.

3. Publish

Finally, click on the Publish button in order to Publish your app.

Your report app is ready to use!

Report App builder | Comidor Platform

Note: if you wish your report to have the Print and Export buttons, go to Overview and check the respective options.
