Frequently Asked Questions | Comidor

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 789 592 Comidor Team

Q: What type of applications can I create?

A: With the Comidor App Designer, you can create your own low-code applications and choose the application type that fits better your needs from the following options:

  1. Table applications:
    1. Sequential process-based: Choose this type when you want to monitor processes that are simple with only sequential tasks, with scheduling, state, completion, etc.
    2. Process-based workflow: Choose this type when you want to monitor process-enabled records, with scheduling, state, more complicated workflow steps, loops, automation steps, completion, etc.
    3. Simple non-process based: Choose this type of table application when you want to create a table of data-driven records. No workflows can be related to this type.
  2. Report applications
  3. Kanban applications
  4. Portal applications

Q: What actions can a user perform in table applications?

A: Users can apply the following actions in table applications:

  • Access the table (access rights are specified by the designer)
  • Print or export the table results
  • Apply filters, categorize and search within each table
  • Enter, edit or delete each record
  • View records in table or graph views.  In the graph view, charts (pie, bar, or stack) can be easily created with real-time data and filtering

Q: How do I add fields to my application?

A: In the second step of the App Designer, you can define the process steps and design the Data model.
For sequential apps, a process step is actually a workflow task with assignees, and a form with fields, where you can add fields to the form by dragging and dropping the type of field of your preference (text, email, paragraph, etc). Once you save a step, a new form is stored in the tab User Forms, and all fields can be found in the tab Data Model.

App sequential step | Comidor Platform

For workflow and simple apps, start by building the user fields, forms, and workflow steps from scratch.

In the tab Data Model, you will see a sub-table with the existing user fields and/or add all fields that you want to be used in the app here. You can click on the “+” to create your own custom fields.

sequential App Data Model | Comidor Platform

User fields types: Text, Email, Paragraph, Number, Binary File, Drop-down list (Key-Value or Comidor Database lists), Excel, Currency, Checkbox, Date, and many more.

Note that if you have selected a process-based app type, you can also use all process-related fields in the forms. Otherwise,  you can only use the fields displayed in the Data model.
Do not forget to reload the DB after you create all the fields, so that the other users can see them.

Q: Does Comidor support single-select fields?

A: In step 2 of App Designer, designers can create fields of several types. Field types related to lists are the following:

  • List (key|value), where you can specify the number and values of each option of your list
  • List (DB), where it fetches a database list (e.g., country list, contacts category, etc.)
  • List free, where you can fetch values of a select query from a Comidor default unit, or custom app.
  • Record, where you can fetch a list of records of any Comidor entity

Q: When the end users can execute the application I designed?

A: After completing all the steps of the App Designer, click on the Publish button in order to publish your app.
Your app is ready to be used! Every time you make a change in the table, form, or overview, do not forget to publish again your app, so the users can see your changes.

App Designer publish | Comidor Platform

Q: How can I run my application?

A: If you are the designer of the application, you can easily run an app while viewing an app in the App Designer! Click on the Play button on the top right of your screen and the quick add form of this app is populated.

Play App | Comidor Platform

If you are the end user, you can easily initiate an application from the quick add menu, by clicking on the name of the quick add form, as long as the designer of the application has set a form to be visible in the quick add menu.

Alternatively, in order to view and run the apps created and published through App Designer, go to the menu on the left side of your screen, and select the Packages Icon. A list of all the published apps is displayed here under the corresponding category as chosen in Step 1 of App designer. In case no Category is chosen, the app will be shown below Custom Apps. When you click on an app, the app opens in a new tab. By clicking on the “+” icon you can run this app and create a new entry for this app.

App in Manu | Comidor Platform

Q: Can I create my own reports?

A: There are three ways to create your own reports in Comidor:

  1. Designers can build their own Report type applications easily with the Comidor App Designer and monitor any Comidor entity (Processes, Accounts, Tasks). Filters and table columns are specified by the designer and results can be printed and exported in .xls format.
  2. Custom reporting is also available in Comidor Widgets for data visualization. Users get real-time data based on parameters they define (e.g. Processes per stage) and create their own personalized dashboard. The graph types available are bar charts, pie charts, table reports, and timelines.
  3. In all table Comidor apps and units, you can define the view of your data. Switch the View type from Table to Report, and get a graphical presentation of your data. Choose your preferred Graph type between pie, stack, or column.

Q: Can I initiate an app from an incoming email?

A: Yes, you can include incoming emails as the triggering point of an application.

With the Email configuration unit:

  1. Define an email account to monitor its incoming emails.
  2. Define a keyword in the subject of the incoming email, so that when you have an incoming email the system will search for it in the subject of the email. When you receive an email, the system searches for the keyword, and if the keyword is found, a process in the chosen app starts automatically.
  3. Attachments, hardcoded values, and other data from the email subject or body can be fetched and stored in user fields.

Q: Can I include public forms in my app?

A: Yes, you can include a public form in your application, either for the initiation or during the workflow step completion.

  1. Make the initiation (quick add) form of an application a public form, embed it to your website, and engage non-Comidor users to applications. They can complete the form and then a new process will automatically start.
  2. Convert a manual task into a task email with a link in order for the recipient to participate during the process. In particular, you can configure the email subject and body, add either Comidor or non-Comidor users as recipients and define the public form. The recipient receives via email a link that redirects him/her to a public form that includes fields and rules. The workflow awaits until the recipient completes the form, either in Comidor or via the task email.

Q: How is possible to define and use calculated fields?

A: You can use a simple script in a form (script before save) or in a shell command and display the result to the user in the main form, in a task, in a message of notification, or email, in a produced document with a document creator. 

  • Apply formulas to 2 or more numeric fields: 
    • sum: #app.USR_OUTCOME3# = #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_1# + #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_2# 
    • divide: #app.USR_DIVISION_RESULT# = #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_3# / #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_4# 
    • subtract: #app.USR_DEDUCTION_RESULT# = #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_3# – #app.USR_NUMERIC_FIELD_4# 

Q: Is there an easier way to reference fields from entities in expressions, emails, notifications, and documents?

A: Yes, you can show a user field’s value in the main form, in a task, in a message of notification, in an email, or in a produced document with a document creator. All you need to do is to add some variables and map them with specific fields. For instance, you can add a key “topic” and link it with a field. Then, use this key with hashtags in the subject or body of your email to automatically add the field value. The same mapping is possible in the document creator component or in forms, where you can just drag and drop the fields that you want to show. 

Q: How do I set up alerts, notifications, and emails in a workflow?

A. Smart notifications can be included in the workflow design. In particular:

  • System notifications can be triggered automatically and be visible inside Comidor for one or more user(s)/group(s) and/or role(s). Notifications can be connected with other events/gateways/activities by using conditional flow.
  • By adding email elements in the workflow design, users can send automatic custom emails according to the branch that is followed (e.g. if the happy path is followed and a task is approved, then the approval email is sent instead of the rejection one). Email subject, sender, body, recipients, and attachments are easily configurable and can include data from the workflow fields.
  • Email elements can be enhanced with reply links that engage non-Comidor users in the process flow. The response is stored in a user field and is used as a condition to determine the path that will be triggered.
  • Task emails can be also added to the workflow design. The users have the possibility to approve or reject a request/task either through the platform or via the email that they have received. All workflow data is visible both within the platform itself and the email that reached the user. The response is stored in user fields and is used as a condition to
    determine the path that will be triggered.
  • Designers can set escalations: specific conditions that will trigger actions or notifications and/or emails as per the client’s needs and requirements (e.g. in case the completion of the task is delayed by a specific amount of hours, notifications/emails could be sent to specified users/groups).

See how to configure an email or notification workflow component here.

Q: Do I have exporting capabilities?

A: One of the generic features that are available in all tables/applications, is that users can export and print tables, print,  and download graphs. By applying predefined Comidor filters, you can define the results to be exported.

  • Data stored in Comidor can be exported and users can create custom CSV reports with the Export Data workflow component. The exported file can include any value/data from the workflow user fields. You can save these files to a specific path or a Binary field inside Comidor.
  • The Document Creator RPA element creates different types of documents by combining a file template format and fields of the workflow. The automatically generated document is stored in a binary field, so users have different alternatives on how to handle it afterward. For example, you can preview it, download it, view versions, or forward it via email.

Q: Do I have importing capabilities?

A. The File Reader workflow component allows the users to import data from CSV files and store it in Comidor Units or in a specified application. Also, users can import data from a file either from a specific path or from a binary field that is used within the workflow in a previous step.

Workflow elements | Comidor Platform

Q: Can I link one application with more than one workflow?

A: You can link one app with one workflow, however, in a workflow design you can have multiple sub-workflows/sub-processes. When the workflow reaches the step of a subprocess, another record is created either in Comidor default units (all processes, projects, issues, etc.) or in another custom app. The sub-process can also have a 2nd workflow that orchestrates all sub-process steps.
Additionally, you can link one app with another app.

Q: How do I attach roles and permissions to a specific form?

A. Forms can be visible inside processes and tasks. Workflow designers can specify which users/groups/roles will have access and change rights in every form. In each workflow task, designers can determine the Assignee’s name by selecting from a wide list of options, allowing thus access to these forms only to the assignees:
Abstract options: Creator or Personnel of Process, Creator’s or Personnel Manager, Creator’s or Personnel Default group from Organizational Chart/Users’ Groups, Creator’s or Personnel Default group – Leader, Creator’s or Personnel Default group – Parent Group, Creator’s or Personnel Default group – Parent Group Leader, Role associated with a specific Functional Group/Division/Company, Account’s Responsible
Pre-defined options: User(s) name, Group Leader name(s), Group name(s)
Dynamic option: Select the next task’s assignee from a list of users or groups. The same user fields can be displayed in multiple forms, and Workflow designers can apply properties on each form. So, the same field can be mandatory in one step, but view only or hidden in another step. This practically provides restricted access according to the rights defined for every form.

Q: Can I define what the end user sees in a workflow task?

A: The end user sees by default a basic form that includes information, such as the scheduled start, and duration of the task, as well as the “assigned to” field. With low-code, designers can design and organize forms according to their preferences simply by dragging and dropping elements. Create your own fields, insert sections, paragraphs, tabs, and columns, add rules and apply any style you wish. Lastly, you can show only the form you created as per your needs instead of the basic Comidor form.

Q: How can I show or hide a user field in a form?

A: The field rules functionality enables you to hide or show fields inside forms when certain conditions are met. Create custom condition scenarios for fields and select in which scenario the fields are going to be shown or hidden. Select more than one scenario – field condition for a specific field. This enables you to cover multiple scenarios. Eliminate the number of forms that need to be created and make your adjustments to one simple form. Hide sensitive information which should be displayed only for certain users, roles, or groups in a workflow.

Q: How do I define field formats and validation rules?

A. Workflow designers can apply properties for every field inside the form: mark them as mandatory, view only/editable, add tooltips and placeholders, hide them if their value is empty, etc. Also, workflow designers can apply validation rules for complicated formats in every user field, by defining regular expressions (RegEx codes) and the corresponding validation message. e.g. add only Latin characters in a field (^[A-Za-z]+$). Furthermore, designers can add a “script before save” to check the user’s input and populate error messages when specific conditions are met.

User Forms | Comidor Platform

Q: How do I get a real-time preview of a workflow?

A. During the execution of every workflow, users are able to get real-time data for every workflow step via the Workflow Run Diagram, which is the graphical representation of the entire workflow design that highlights the completed and pending steps in different colors along with start and end time and the paths that the flow follows. The respective information is also available in the table grid (e.g. which task is completed, by whom, and when).

Workflow run diagram | Comidor Platform

Q: My workflow got stuck, why?

A. Error log captures any design-logic errors that occurred during execution and is available to the process administrator. Go to the Workflow Tasks tab of your process and check the “!” icon.

Q: How can I get insights about previous workflows?

A. The Workflow Analytics section enables users to monitor and track the performance of every workflow. Users are able to pinpoint the total and delayed instances and tasks that were created with one workflow (available views: table, graph, pie chart) and apply filters for custom results (total/delayed tasks, specific team, or user) in order to identify process bottlenecks and eliminate them.

Q: How do I manage changes in a workflow?

A: Comidor platform gives you the ability to track and monitor the changes that are incorporated into any workflow. You can track changes applied in specific tasks of the workflow within the Audit Trail Log as well as compare different versions of the same workflow in the Compare Versions tab. A document is automatically generated and includes the two workflow designs as well as a description of all applied changes. New elements are given in green, deleted elements in red, and changes in existing elements in orange.

Workflow compare versions | Comidor Platform

Q: Is there the possibility of maintaining multiple process versions and revisions?

A: Yes. Different workflow versions can be created in order to assure a smooth transition from one version to the other and change tracking. Designers can create, schedule version activation on specific dates, and deactivate, modify and delete existing versions.

Q: How can I create a report or an invoice with RPA?

A: With the Comidor Document Creator RPA component, you can create invoices, reports, or other types of documents by combining a file template format and fields of the workflow. Drag and drop the Document Creator to the workflow and set its attributes. Set a template file for your document in a form via your desktop, upload it into a binary field during a workflow step, or give the template name of a file stored in the Comidor DMS. Produced documents can be in .xlsx, .docx, or PDF format and stored in a binary field.

Document creator | Comidor Platform

Q: How can I include a digital signature in PDF documents?

A: You can include a digital signature in your business processes by following the steps below:

  1. Draw or upload your personal signature: Click on the user icon on the top right of your screen and go to Settings>Signature. Here you can either design your signature or upload a file of your signature.
  2. Create a signature model: Create one or more signature models, to provide PDF templates with the pages and exact parts of the document where you wish the signatures to be added.
  3. Connect the digital signature component in your workflow: Add a Digital Signature component in the workflow design, to include digital signatures in PDF documents of your process after specific steps/approvals. You have two options:
    1. Include a digital signature from a user, as defined in their user settings; the workflow adds it automatically to the place of the document as per the signature model.
    2. Send an email to a recipient with a link. The email recipient by clicking on the link is redirected to another page with the full document. There, the recipient can read the whole document, switch from one page to another, draw his signature, place it in the document, resize it and finally submit it. The workflow awaits until the signature is added.

Q: How can I create and train Predictive ML models?

A: To access ML Predictive Models, go to App Factory Icon > RPA & AI/ML > Predictive Models. Click on the “+” icon to create a new ML predictive model. Add a title, link the model with a connected application, choose the classifier, set the target field, that is the field you want to make predictions for, add as many training fields as you wish, and finally limit training data with a condition to define specific values to be used by the classifier. After creating your predictive ML model, you should train it, based on the data entered in Comidor, to achieve better accuracy. Select the ML model to train and click on the “Train” button. Click on this option as many times as you wish, until you reach an acceptable accuracy rate.

ML Predictive models | Comidor Platform

Q: How can I add tasks to the Timesheet?

A: Timesheet consists of a Filters area and a Weekly Calendar into which you can add, view, and manage your processes and project-related tasks. Apply your filters and fetch the processes/projects/work packages that have been assigned to you. Make sure that you have selected the Tasks tab. Find the Process and the Date of your task in the Calendar and click on the respective cell. Add a task title, scheduled task duration, and actual duration, and your task is created. At the bottom, you can see your daily workload.

add task to timesheet v6.2 | Comidor Platform

Q: Can I add external participants to an event?

A:  Apart from internal contacts (Comidor users), you can add external contacts as participants in an event. Choose from the list the contacts to whom you wish to send the invitation. The invitation is sent to the external participant by email. You should previously insert the email in the form of contacts.

Q: How can I monitor my tasks?

A: Comidor provides a fully interactive Calendar where you can monitor your activities and tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Comidor Tasks is an alternative way of monitoring and viewing your tasks.

Calendar v.6.2 | Comidor Platform

Q: How can I monitor my comments and notifications?

A. Activity Stream in Workbench includes emails, messages, system notifications, and comments. View all emails, messages, and notifications and group them using filters.

Q: How can I communicate with other users?

A: Comidor is an all-in-one platform that empowers business collaboration by offering various ways to communicate and collaborate effectively with your teammates.

  • Topics can be used as a communication channel between colleagues. Users can create an internal community within the company where members of one team can post topics and discuss them with members of other teams.
  • Furthermore, Mailbox enables you to communicate with your colleagues with internal messages. Go to Quick add > Message and send a message to your team.
  • In addition, you can add Comments to any record and see existing comments by clicking on the comments icon. All users that have access to this record will receive an automated notification to their notification bar.

Q: How can I connect my email?

A. You can connect unlimited email accounts to Comidor through Mailbox. On the top right of the screen click on your user icon, select Profile, and manage your email accounts.

Q: What is Workbench?

A. The Workbench provides an overview of any information relevant to business processes, emails, notifications, and tasks. The Workbench also gives the ability to connect an email or notification to a process or task just by dragging and dropping. To access the Workbench: Go to My Comidor > Workplace > Workbench.

workbench v.6.2| Comidor Platform

Q: Can I monitor tasks in external calendars

A: Yes. Comidor has the ability to expose any user’s calendar in a public URL. Any calendar service that subscribes to external calendars, such as Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, etc., can consume this data. The services get the task information from Comidor and display them in their calendars so that the users have an overview of their tasks in the calendar of their choice.

Q: What are all the possible ways of integration?

A: Here are all the possible ways of integrating Comidor with other systems:

  1. REST/SOAP services for integration with other systems upon request
  2. Our workflow designer has generic RESTful Web Service components to communicate and retrieve or send data to other systems
  3. Selenium RPA component for integration purposes with any cloud-based system
  4. For integration with on-premises or non-cloud systems/databases, our approach is the installation of a local database agent that plays the role of the intermediate between our cloud solution and the on-premises system

Q: Is there a 3rd-party system compatibility?

A: Yes. We can integrate with the following: Outlook, Jira, Redmine, Slack, Office365, MongoDB, Oracle, PowerBI, MySQL, GSuite, MS Office, Spark, Microsoft SQL Server, Freshdesk, Freshsales, Microsoft Active Directory, IMAP/POP, Synergy Integrated Solutions, Any SOAP service provider, Any REST service provider, Zoho CRM, Zoho Projects, Salesforce, Teams, Exact, Aircall. Other integrations can be implemented upon demand.

Q: Is the platform compatible with cloud-based repositories like SharePoint, Confluence, etc.?

A: Yes. First of all, Comidor provides its built-in repository for document management with all default functionality. However, users can attach to any process files residing in any other cloud-based repositories like Sharepoint, Dropbox, Confluence, etc. We support all types of documents that can be attached to processes.

Q: Can users change or reset their password?

A: Users can easily change their own password, through their users’ profile on the top right of the screen.

change password | Comidor

In case a user forgets the password, there is the option to reset it on the login page, following the steps below:

Forgot password | Comidor

  1. Simply, click on the “Forgot password?” on the login page, type the company code, and click “Go to Forgot password page”

Forgot password | Comidor

2. Give your username and the email account you wish to receive the reset password link.

Forgot password? | Comidor

3. Check your email, a link for Password Reset has been sent to the confirmation email.

Reset password | Comidor

Please note that the passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one number and one special character.

Q: Are there version control and different environments?

A: Yes, we do offer version control capabilities. In private cloud and in large installations, we offer three types of environments: development, acceptance, and production.

  1. Development: a testing environment where both Comidor and the client have access, develop, and test new applications or handle versions of existing solutions. Comidor support team reproduces in this environment any issue reported by the client.
  2. Acceptance: a second environment where the client imports the solution from the development environment, tests, and accepts the implementation.
  3. Production: the live environment to which only the client has access and works in.

Q: By default, what RDMS (relational database management system) is deployed within a Comidor account?

A: By default, we are using MySQL database.

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